Original Christian Books |
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Free Serialized Audio Books at Podiobooks |
The Traveler by Vic & Eva Zarley |
All That Can Be Shaken
by Eva Zarley |
How to Avoid Positive Stinking by Vic & Eva Zarley |
How the World Works (And What Jesus Does Through Us to Overcome It) by Vic Zarley |
The Opening Window by Vic Zarley |
The Atheist Delusion* by Vic Zarley |
Shall I Pray or Watch TV? by Vic Zarley |
The Final Call to Repentance by Eva Zarley |
Calling God and Casting Lots by Vic Zarley |
Advanced Christianity** by Vic Zarley |
Extreme Christianity** by Vic Zarley |
*The Atheist Delusion was previously called The Difficult Task of Loving Atheists.* *The best chapters of Exteme Christianity have been incorporated into the Amazon print book and Smashwords versions of Advanced Christianity. The audio book and online versions of both Extreme Christianity and Advanced Christianity are the older versions of those two books.
![]() The Kingdom of God Is Within You |
This one is a LONG one. 30 episodes which includes 15 hours of actual text from Tolstoy's book. It is quite a profound book dealing with a highly controversial topic: War and capitol punishment, society's commands versus the commands of Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount. When Leo Tolstoy's War and Peace was published in 1869, his genius was immediately recognized by people all over the world. In the later part of Leo Tolstoy's life, however, he began to share his deepest thoughts about Christianity in his writing. His definition of Christianity was not the same as the priests and bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church where there was so much pomp and pageantry. Tolstoy could care less for all that ceremony. He was a radical follower of Jesus Christ's teachings, particularly as found in the Sermon on the Mount (including Christ's controversial admonitions to "resist not evil," to "love your enemies" and to "turn the other cheek.") This book you are about to hear shares Tolstoy's thoughtful commentary on where TRUE Christianity lies and why and how the Church has gotten Christ's teaching so wrong. Special thanks to JewelBeat.com for the theme song, "Russia, Russia, My Love." The Kingdom of God is Within You by Leo Tolstoy is in the public domain. The coverart is by Russian portrait artist Ivan Kramskoy. Produced and narrated by Vic Zarley.
![]() Song Gifts from the Holy Spirit |
My wife, Eva and I, Vic Zarley, are songwriters. We each had written many songs before we met each other and continued to write songs once we were married. After our marriage, we found that often God would use each of us to write a song together. I would be working with the guitar on some interesting chord progression while humming, thinking, "Where did this come from?" and Eva would stop me and say, "I've got lyrics. Play what you were doing again." Often the lyrics are practically dictated to her by the Holy Spirit, coming faster than she can write. And then, to God's glory, a song would be birthed. Truly a gift from the Holy Spirit. This Podiobook is a bit different from any of the others I've produced as it incorporates three of our songs into each episode. You will hear how each song got its life, what each song means to us, and, when applicable, the life lessons present in the lyrics. These songs were written by myself (Vic Zarley) and/or Eva Zarley. Links to all of the songs are available here. Another source of our music is GodlyChristianMusic.com. That link will take you to our songs where they are available to listen to, download for free and, in most cases, read the lyrics and see the chords. Every song is available through Creative Commons licensing and can be downloaded and enjoyed at no charge. We pray that you are blessed as you journey through these 12 episodes exploring 36 of our songs, as we share their stories and related inspirations then the actual songs themselves. The theme song is by Vic Zarley. The coverart is by my brother, Karlan Zarley, with much appreciation! |
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A Christian Holiness Collection presentation.
Beverly Carradine was a holiness preacher in the early part of the 20th century. The title, "The Old Man" refers to a remnant of sin that dwells in the soul, even after regeneration. A reference to the phrase, "The Old Man" in this context can be found in the King James Version of the Bible at Colossians 3, Ephesians 4 and Romans 6. There is something, found symbolically in just about every horror story every told, that seems embedded in our souls--a Mr. Hyde that Dr. Jekyll cannot control. In the days of Beverly Carradine's popularity, many Christian leaders preached that regeneration alone eliminated The Old Man but Carradine insisted that only entire sanctification, the 2nd blessing, a gift from Jesus Christ, through the Holy Spirit, can wipe clean the slate and offer perfect freedom and a peace heretofore unknown. Produced and narrated by Vic Zarley. Special thanks to LightByDesign.net, Northwest Nazarene University, and the Wesley Center online for their invaluable assistance in the production of these audiobooks. Special thanks to Kevin Macleod for the theme music, a children's song entitled "This Old Man." And special thanks to Flickr.com for their Creative Commons collection of pictures. I used Grandfather and Grandson by cambodia4kidsorg for my coverart.
![]() The Sanctified Life |
A Christian Holiness Collection presentation. Reverend Carradine was a holiness preacher and writer who thrived during the holiness movement in America which took place from the late 19th century until the early 20th century. This book argues for the existence of a 2nd work of grace from the Lord known as Sanctification.
Chapter 1: Theories in Regard to Sanctification I want to acknowledge two wonderful source of these enlightening holiness classics:
![]() Extreme Christianity |
G. K. Chesterton said, “The Christian ideal has not been tried and found wanting. It has been found difficult and left untried.”
Extreme Christianity, subtitled Christianity without Compromise, provides motivation to follow Jesus’ teachings while residing in the world. It is written, narrated and produced by Vic Zarley. Chapter titles follow:
1. Memo from God
![]() Remarkable Incidents and Modern Miracles through Prayer and Faith |
A Christian Holiness Collection presentation, courtesy of LightByDesign.net, I am proud to bring you this holiness classic by G.C. Bevington. He was a holiness Methodist itinerant preacher who was based in Kentucky but traveled far and wide across America in the 1920s. His penchant for praying for EVERYTHING made for this series of incredible testimonies. If these testimonies are true (and I can’t think of why a person would make this stuff up), then Christians are not spending enough time praying. The reason Bevington had so many breakthroughs and answered prayers, as found in this book, is because he took the Bible at its word that we are to “knock and keep on knocking, seek and keep on seeking” until God comes through (because, as Bevington’s testimony attests, amazingly God will come through with strong, persistent prayer). Story after story confirms this. Bevington’s many hours (at times, many days) of prayer and fasting, were quite pragmatic and dramatic in obtaining a breakthrough in a problem. Yes, Divine intervention was quite the norm when it came to Bevington and his deep pleadings and petitioning to the Lord. May this book, which was produced and narrated by Vic Zarley, be a blessing to you! I want to acknowledge two wonderful source of these enlightening holiness classics:
![]() See You Sunday |
Pastor Les Shelton of The First Church of the Nazarene in Sacramento, California has always been a keen observer of life and the stories he shares are certain to make you laugh and think. I am Vic Zarley, the producer and narrator. Join with me as we take a journey through the landscapes of Les Shelton's mind.
![]() Calling God and Casting Lots |
CALLING GOD AND CASTING LOTS first shares a brief history of the practice of casting the lot by ancient Israelites as told in the Old and New Testaments. Then Vic Zarley shares his own experimentation with it as he and his wife prayerfully cast lots when they felt they needed the Lord's guidance. Amazingly, as they faithfully prayed and cast the lot--true story after true story affirms...it was like they were talking to God...and He was answering!
![]() Africa, O Africa |
A Christian Holiness Collection presentation, courtesy of Northwest Nazarene University and Wesley Center Online, this is the story of Louise Robinson Chapman, a missionary in Africa. From 1920 until 1940 she ministered to the dark continent, coming to truly love and care for its people. Her story is filled with adventure, drama, humor and lots of love and miracles. Africa, O Africa is produced and narrated by Vic Zarley. I want to acknowledge two wonderful source of these enlightening holiness classics:
![]() Testimonies from AsiaHarvest |
Special thanks to Paul Hattaway of AsiaHarvest.org for permission to share these special stories which indicate the power and authority of our almighty God. This quote is from the site: "AsiaHarvest is an inter-denominational Christian ministry working in various countries throughout Asia to see effective churches planted among unreached people groups. We work alongside Asian church leaders, helping and equipping them to focus on reaching the lost. Our main focus is China, Vietnam, Laos, Myanmar (Burma), Nepal, Bhutan and northern India. Within these seven countries are approximately 1000 unreached tribes and ethnic groups. "Over the years we have seen and been told some remarkable accounts of how God has supernaturally moved among people groups in Asia. We would like to share some of these stories with you, exactly how they have been told to us. We have made every effort possible to verify these events from different sources, and feel confident that the posted testimonies are true." Testimonies from Asia Harvest is produced and narrated by Vic Zarley.
![]() Pastoral Sketches |
A Christian Holiness Collection presentation,
courtesy of LightByDesign.net, I'm proud to bring you Pastoral Sketches by Beverly Carradine. Beverly Carradine was an intenerant preacher during a golden era known as the holiness movement in America (late 19th, early 20th centuries). He was a preacher but he loved to write. In Pastoral Sketches, he shares some incredible stories in a style that could easily be compared to Mark Twain...if Mark had carried a Bible. Besides LightByDesign.net, I want to acknowledge another wonderful source of these enlightening holiness classics:
![]() Sanctification |
A Christian Holiness Collection presentation,
courtesy of LightByDesign.net, I'm proud to bring you Sanctification by Beverly Carradine. During the late 19th, early 20th century, this book, which edified the doctrine of the 2nd blessing, or sanctification, was either loved or hated. Eventually, the traditional church doctrine where conversion (the first blessing) is all that's needed, prevailed and even the Methodists lost their "method" over time as Wesley's ideas were gradually forgotten.
But, should the doctrine of the 2nd blessing BE forgotten?
Besides LightByDesign.net, I want to acknowledge another wonderful source of these enlightening holiness classics:
![]() Revival Incidents |
A Christian Holiness Collection presentation.
By special permission from LightByDesign.net, I bring you Revival Incidents by Beverly Carradine. Beverly was a traveling evangelist during the holiness era--late 19th, early 20th century when he penned this Christian classic. Travel with him as the big tents are raised and people by the thousands gather to listen and be saved and sanctified. His adventures as a traveling evangelist will hold you spellbound. Besides LightByDesign.net, I want to acknowledge another wonderful source of these enlightening holiness classics:
![]() How to Avoid Positive Stinking |
13 short vignettes to help the Christian take a deeper walk with the Lord as well as help the curious understand how Christianity is really supposed to work. Topics include: 1. How to Avoid Positive Stinking (the title piece). Why true submission to the Lord trumps forcing ourselves to "think positive" all the time. 2. Our Conditional Love of Jesus (in 3 parts). Explores the conditions Jesus required for us to love Him. If these conditions are not met, He clearly states we do not love Him. 3. My Name is Balaam. The story of Balaam and his talking donkey from Numbers 22, told in the first person. 4. True Authority. How can we possibly have authority over all the animals of the earth as Genesis proclaims we have? 5. Lose Our Lives and Win. This isn't about physical death as that happens to everyone. What does Jesus mean when He told us, "For whoever desires to save his life shall lose it, and whoever desires to lose his life for My sake, shall find it"? 6. Christian Marriage 101. (Contributed by Eva Zarley). What does it take to have a truly Christian marriage? 7. Be Merciful. How is the amount of mercy we have toward others a litmus test of our hearts? 8. Bind This on Your Forehead. The Jewish practice of binding portions of the law to the body is examined. What can a present day Christian learn from this practice? 9. Do You Really Want to Work for Jesus? (Contributed by Eva Zarley). If you knew the cost you might want to think twice about this. 10. An Eye for an Eye. This vignette compares and contrasts the Old Testament's "eye for and eye" mentality with Jesus' command that we should forgive. 11. Joseph and My Laundry. What are some possible deep character flaws in Joseph in Genesis? Did he sell out in the end? Do we try to manipulate God to fulfill our desires rather than attempt to do His will? 12. Leviticus 19 (in 3 parts). As I read these laws in Leviticus 19, I was moved to expostulate on them. 13. Identity Theft. There is Someone who encourages His identity to be stolen. Actually, it isn't stolen if He gives it to you.
![]() 3 from LightByDesign |
A Christian Holiness Collection presentation.
By special permission from LightByDesign, I am proud to share with you 3 fascinating, action packed stories from the old holiness literature circa late 19th and early 20th centuries. Our first story is called Kentucky Mountain Outlaw. Experience what the old west was really like in this autobiography of Charlie "Bulldog" Wireman. The 2nd story from this collection is called An Irish Saint and it is the biography of Ann Preston who was also known as "Holy Ann." Her unbelievable story was written by Helen Bingham. Finally, Bud Robinson was a charismatic leader of the holiness movement many years ago. At one point, he was hit by a car and had to spend over 5 months in the hospital. He was not there alone. God's Spirit resided with him as you will see as you listen to the last of this trio of stories, My Hospital Experience by Bud Robinson. Please visit LightByDesign.net for much more classic literature from the early holiness era. I want to acknowledge another wonderful source of these enlightening holiness classics:
![]() The Opening Window |
From Vic Zarley, February 15, 2005: A few months ago people began encouraging me to write the story of my spiritual journey from New Age back to Christianity. This is it. It has been a lot of fun to write. As I remembered and wrote down each step through my life, I began to see a wonderful pattern as a powerful and awesome God was at work in my life. I pray that my circular journey is interesting and helpful as I take you from my Christian roots, as a child, to the outer fringes during my teen and young adult years, until finally, I return, Prodigal Child, back into my Father's arms. I've always had a strong love for God. He knows that and has never left me, even as I took, not always of my own accord, the wildest detours. Some may not feel my tone is harsh enough toward the false teachings I received. This book is not so much a criticism of New Age as it is the story of our wise and marvelous God, in process, working with and through one of His children. It is the story of our God, who keeps His mind upon one of His own. It is the story of a nurturing and loving and merciful God, Who, despite detours we all take in this short life, holds His dear little ones close to His heart, loving them always, forgetting them, never. I thank God that no matter where we are (on our journey), He is there, only a heartbeat away, no farther than a prayer, the Creator, craving to reside in His created. As I told my story, I found often that my soul stirred with a message from God. Sprinkled liberally throughout this book, then, are poetic interjections as my enthusiasm for life and God and all His children flowed onto the pages. This is not just my spiritual autobiography. This is an Opening Window and, I pray, you will not be able to contain the riches God pours out to you through it.
![]() All That Can Be Shaken) |
All That Can Be Shaken by Essie Collins (a pseudonym) is a moving true story of a family's struggle with a tragedy that shakes their lives and their faith. Essie's idyllic life is torn apart when her once joyful and exuberant husband, Stephen, is stricken with a deep depression. His suicidal tendencies force Essie to seek professional help. After shock treatment and a barrage of medications, Stephen becomes severely mentally ill, diagnosed as bi-polar and schizophrenic. Essie's story will take you through the horrors her family endures as they become prey to a society that is largely unsympathetic and unequipped to help. | ||
![]() How the World Works (and What Jesus Does Through Us to Overcome It) |
A multi-media presentation utilizing appropriate mood-setting music to enhance many short illustrations of how the world works with Jesus at the helm. The first part of the book are short anectdotes and teachings about the nature of the world and us. The 2nd part of this book are poems that exalt our Savior and explore our minds and environment through my worldview as a Christian. This is Vic Zarley and I am happy to present to you, if I might be so presumptious, how the world works and what Jesus does through us to overcome it. This book was written over many years and over many prayers. I pray that it is a blessing to you. Produced and narrated by Vic Zarley. Special thanks to Kevin Macleod for the theme music, "Porch Swing Days". Also, most of the short, transitional music between stories is courtesy of Music-for-Video.com. Special thanks to the 38 different musicians/bands who made their music available through Creative Commons licensing. These 38 musicians provided 95 different musical elements for all episodes of this audio book.
![]() Shall I Pray or Watch TV? |
Shall I Pray or Watch TV? looks at the history of TV and its effect on our culture all from a Christian worldview perspective. My hope is that this book will create interest, not so much for the purpose of changing television, but more in changing our hearts. When our hearts are changed, the outer world begins to reflect that change in the choices we all make, regarding what we choose to watch on TV (or whatever else we choose to do). Our lives can become true and living examples of the teachings of Christ or they can become mere reflections of the world and its carnal ways. For those of us sincerely into God's truth and Jesus' Way, we would never want our minds and hearts to be dwelling on untruths, so often portrayed on TV. We would simply not be tempted, IF our hearts were truly changed by Christ, first. That truth is the foundation of this book. We must get right and honest with God first. We must take the beam out of our own eyes first...Truthfully, if we didn't clamor for more, more, more of the anti-manna found on the tube, we would not be served the indelicacies that TV offers. | ||
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It is not comfortable to be a legitimate Christian. Advanced Christianity explores what it takes to walk the way of Christ, dying to self, loving the unlovable, praying for those who persecute you, and much more. Jesus did not promise prosperity, but tribulation. He also said, "If you love me, follow my commands." To truly love Jesus, we must step into the fire, not avoid it. For the fire burns the dross, the impurities in our hearts, and allows God's hand to mold us into the image of Christ. Hebrews 12:8 reads "If you are not disciplined (and everyone undergoes discipline), then you are illegitimate children and not true sons." If you are ready to explore what it takes to be a legitimate Christian, please step into the pages of Advanced Christianity--here at Podiobooks.com. |
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In a flash of lights and colors on his computer while traversing the Internet, there appeared in the life of Rich Davis a very helpful and mysterious teacher who called himself the Traveler. His lessons, taught with gentle patience, revolutionized Rich's Christian walk. Vic and Eva Zarley have created a Christian science fiction unlike any you may have read before. The protagonist, Rich Davis, has found his computer is suddenly transformed into a teaching machine skillfully used by the Traveler, a mysterious Christian mentor whom we all come to love for his wisdom and patience. | ||
![]() The Difficult Task of Loving Atheists |
In 2006, the author found the newly released Richard Dawkins' book, The God Delusion at the library. Shaking his head in disbelief that anyone could think there is no God, he felt God impressing him to go through the book, writing what he thought would be a rebuttal, point by point. Both the author and his wife found Dawkins' words to be full of arrogance, often foolish sounding from the Christian point of view and predictably closed-minded. Yet, the author yearned to understand the mindset of such a man as Dawkins and had a deep burden in his heart for Dawkins' soul. This work is a journal of the thoughts and emotions of the author as he endured the painful and frustrating process of toiling through The God Delusion. Though it was originally meant to be a rebuttal to The God Delusion, the author recently realized there are brilliant Christian apologists and sharp men and women in Dawkins' own field who are far more adept at arguing on Dawkins' level. So the author found himself leaning more toward putting Christian principles into practice as a far better way of reaching atheists. If the book seems contradictory in message, it is because that was often the frame of mind of the author as he went through Dawkins' book, which he felt was offensive and disrespectful toward Christians. The God Delusion took the author on a roller coaster ride where he was torn between anger at Dawkins' words and love for his soul. Hence the title, The Difficult Task of Loving Atheists. |
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Journey with the author on the emotional roller coaster of preparing to adopt a baby girl through international adoption. Journey physically with the author and his wife as they fly to China to receive their daughter. You will laugh and cry as you hear the journal that the author kept of his experiences as they happened on a laptop which he carried with him to the Orient. | ||
![]() The Final Call to Repentance |
God is issuing a Final Call to Repentance for His Church. It will be the Bride’s last chance to repent from indifference, materialism, ambition and selfishness and BE the Church Jesus Christ has called her to be. He wants a pure Bride who loves as He taught us to love and lives unselfishly as He taught us to live, for the sake of the Gospel and the final harvest of souls in these very last days. | ||
![]() The Calvary Road |
A Christian Holiness Collection presentation.
This public domain book by Roy Hession made a great impact on my life because it gets to the meat of the Christian belief system. If the behavior as described in this book, is not the ideal of every Christian, the religion will be weak and Christians will be absolutely ineffective as witnesses. This is exactly the situation we have in the world today--ineffective Christians and a wishy-washy Church.