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What Are YOUR Movie Selections?

This sick culture has been feeding on its own vomit for far too long. I know that sounds gross but it is a good analogy. We have sunk into apathy, secular humanism, and atheistic thinking and from that vantage point, we have made movies that reflect our godless society. We are dogs, lapping up the vomit of the age. Please, reconsider what you watch...reconsider what you think, and reconsider how you act and react to your environment.

Do not fall into the easier choice and be taught by the culture. Instead, teach the culture what is true, even if it squirms and fights back. Although effective Christians will be persecuted, even giving their lives in service for God, the culturally brain-washed individual is not really upset with the Christian. He is upset with himself and unable to handle his own sin. Therefore, he must attack others in order to make a fruitless attempt to allay himself of his guilt. Of course, you and I know, it is far better to come clean--through the power of Jesus Christ and what He did for us on the cross, dying for our sins. Ultimately, we must be washed in the blood of the lamb, Jesus. Ultimately, we must become humble and allow God's Holy Spirit to wash over us and give us our purpose as we give our all to Him.

This is no small thing. You can't watch slasher movies on Saturday and expect your prayers to be given serious consideration on Sunday. But, let's take it down a peg. You should be careful about watching movies where God's name is taken in vain. Our culture is numb to that today and we need to be re-sensitized to God and be anxious to live godly lives. Frankly, due to our short-term memory problems, we need the 10 commandments to be posted everywhere (again).

Besides the obvious movies that promote sin, there are many more movies that appear "good" but have wrong motives and incorrect values embedded in them. Avoid the prosperity doctrine. God does not want us to make this a carnal heaven. Our happiness will not be found in having everything we desire in the physical. We must strive for the things of spirit, not mammon. We must ONLY love God and He will determine the amount of money He wants you to have--which He will then designate toward the establishment of His kingdom. Nothing must be mammon driven. All must be spirit driven, in which we get down on our faces before the Lord, asking that His will to be revealed and accomplished through us.

With regard to the movies you watch, guard your heart carefully and do not allow yourself to be tempted by self-sufficiency thinking. We do not have the answers for our problems. God does, through the Bible and our deep and humble prayers. We will never be the way, the truth and the life. Jesus already is that. Do not be tempted to follow anyone else, even if they think they know everything. Let the red flags go up and let the thinking cap be put on, should you be tempted to follow any man or woman--and not the Lord.

Choose movies that affirm the Bible, God's Word. Do not choose movies that work from the premise that the Bible is wrong unless proven correct. There are plenty out there, particularly made by the History Channel and the Public Broadcasting System, that do that and it does nothing but deny the authority of God's Word. Go for the movies (they are out there) that use the Bible as a very worthy map and, in their exploring, they are finding exciting archeological clues that affirm the Bible. Since the Bible is our life-line, it would be good to believe in it. A good example of a movie that affirms the Bible's truth is, "Exodus Revealed." When we affirm the truth of God's Word, we show God, by our faith, that He is everything to us and we want only to do His will. Will the History Channel or PBS save us? Have they done anything to help our culture be healed from the current godlessness prevalent throughout society? Or have they contributed to it? Let God be God and let His Word, the Bible, be your guide. Our senses are too befuddled to be of much value, to tell you the truth. Choose to follow a path that's spiritually based and rooted in the Bible, God and Jesus, His Son. Do not choose a path that's mammon or physically based. In the long run, it will just make you frustrated and angry.

Reintegrating God's Word back into our culture (schools, universities, businesses, government, etc) is the only way our culture will be healed, because there is no healing but healing that comes from the Lord. All else is ineffective and pure baloney. So my prayer, as you make decisions as to which movies you are going to watch, is that you do not forget the importance of your goal, here. It is to do your part to heal the culture, which has become very sick, feeding on its own vomit. Do not join in that nasty feast by allowing your mind to be one of the nesting places of our sick and dying vulture culture. YOU be careful. YOU back off from the error, so rampant in the movies of the day. YOU be responsible for your healing--and, one at a time, we will bring God, His Word, His Son, His Spirit and His mercy back into our sick culture and it will be healed. Jesus is the only antidote!

As you choose your movies, choose to allow your mind to be a part of the healing of our culture. And encourage others to do this, as well. Enjoy the list of good movies on this site!

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