We do not sell anything on this site. What is freely received, must be freely given. But we do recommend items that may cost something. What I am about to share with you can be wonderfully culturally transforming. I've heard the idea said that movies are a stamp of our culture--that is, they are representative of where our culture stands. It is quite apparent that what Hollywood produces today shows a lack of respect for God (in how little care is taken with regard to blasphemous and filthy language used). In addition, the movies generally show the ten commandments being broken with no remorse whatsoever. Movies, however, do not need to reflect (and therefore teach) such irregard for God and His laws. There are movies available that share the wonderful counterpoint to Hollywood's ungodly attitude and, therefore, teach respect for God, His Word, His Laws, and genuine love and respect for each other. How much do we need THAT!
Netflix is a movie rental organization that claims to have over 100,000 titles. Seeing that, I began to dig deep into their catalog and found a wonderful assortment of gems that can be rented. Some of these I want to share with you on this page of our site. Those unfamiliar with Netflix, can click the Netflix logo below and read about it. They will let you have a free 2 week trial of their service if you go ahead and sign up for it. A very helpful service is that they allow us to write brief reviews of each movie we see. By these reviews, I have rarely made a bad choice. If someone says, "Stay away from this one! It is primarily filled with Christian propaganda." Of course, I immediately put it in my queue. I LOVE Christian stuff!
Netflix has designed their site so that all 100,000 movies don't come up on your screen at once. Isn't that thoughtful? Only the most popular do and you know what we think of them! They reflect our sick culture and should be avoided. If you keep clicking links, and keep going deeper and deeper into their catalog you can find some great titles. This page will share with you what they are and why they are culturally transforming. We have found them appropriate for our home church environment. And, interestingly, there are some legal problems that you may run into if you should attempt to show these in large venues (like traditional churches). This DVD rental program is only fully fit for a HOME environment. See you at the movies!
If possible, I will let you know how these movies are available (whether they are streaming, disc, or both). But one thing to keep in mind. Titles are constantly coming and going so by the time you read this it is possible their scheduled time of availabiltiy will be up.
Though a very slow process as they are only out of California, we highly recommend ChristianCinema.com as a wonderful source of renting Christian themed DVDs. We are especially enjoying Sue Thomas: FB eye. This is a series based on a real life scenerio that involved a Christian deaf person who worked for the FBI as a lip reader. They have many more Christian selections to choose from, non-fiction and fiction, movies, documentaries and TV.

How Netflix works
Why Culturally
America's Godly Heritage

America's Godly Heritage
We LOVED this movie! This nation was founded as a Christian nation and what has happened since we have veered from the Christian principles speaks for itself. I, personally, loved the story of George Washington's miracle. His coat had many bullet holes in it, received while on the battlefield, but he was not injured. This movie will open your eyes as you decide to pray with more furvor for our nation. Although it is primarily a "talking head," there is information given that will help bring our culture back to God. When you see the relationship statistically of a major ballooning of crime and other negative cultural conditions with the Supreme Court's unprecedented decision to ban prayer in school, you will be amazed. We need to see this movie. Netflix's blurb follows: "America's Founding Fathers and their views on Christianity and public policy are examined in this video. The beliefs of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John Quincy Adams and other founding fathers concerning the role of Christian principles in education and government are presented, accompanied by historical American artwork. Also included are court case excerpts (spanning 160 years) in which Christian principles are tied to public policy." Streaming only.
59 mins.

First Fruits
First Fruits
Wonderfully done. We really enjoyed the story and especially enjoyed the Moravian custom (from the Bible) of casting lots. It was done with reverence and dignity and God's wisdom came through this process because God is supernatural. It could work that way today! From the Netflix descriptions: "Winner of the Christian Film Distribution Association's 'Best Film of the Year' award, this historical drama tells the story of two young Moravian missionaries who dedicated themselves to bringing the Gospel to West Indian slaves. After fleeing their homeland in the 1700s, the men are taken in by the German Count Nikolaus von Zinzendorf, who guides them into missionary work. The brave men endure major hardships, yet stand firm in their calling." DVD only.
70 mins.
Beyond the Next Mountain

Beyond the Next Mountain
From the Netflix blurb: "This program examines Rochunga Pudaite's life and his mission to bring the gospel to his people, the Hmar of northeast India. Branded as ruthless heathens by the British at the end of the 19th century, the Hmar were forever changed when a copy of John's Gospel made its way into their village. Rochunga's father, Chawnga, adopted Christianity and believed that his son was chosen by God to bring Christianity to the entire village." Watching God at work in this movie is wonderful. The culture is changed when we let go of the world and cling to God instead. He will provide all of our needs. We vow to you not to include a movie that did not move us. You can rent these with confidence! 97 mins. Streaming only.

The Cross and the Switchblade
The Cross and the Switchblade |
Netflix says: "Thirty years after this film was made, its powerful storyline still hits home with many people today. With help from preacher David Wilkerson, young Nicky Cruz is able to turn his life around, going from a world of drugs and gangs to one of triumph and faith. Three decades later, Cruz continues to thrive and promote the gospel of Jesus Christ, while Wilkerson works in New York, giving hope to lost souls. Stars Pat Boone and Eric Estrada." This is not for unsupervised young ones as the subject matter gets quite gritty (dealing with drug dealing, gangs, gang fights and prostitution). The reason I would include this in your queue of movies to see is because God is God. He can handle ANYTHING we have problems with. Here is an example of a young man feeling moved to help lost young people--and, with the help of God, does it! 105 mins. Streaming only.
By the way, the movie, Run, Baby Run is being filmed now. It is about Nicky Cruz's life after his conversion as shown in The Cross and the Switchblade. A short documentary with the same title as the movie being filmed, Run, Baby Run is available to see on Netflix. Click here to read about it and possibly add it in your queue. Run, Baby Run is DVD only.
Noah's Ark and the Biblical Flood

Noah's Ark
This movie and Exodus Revealed (which I review next) are excellent documentaries. They both work from the premise that the Bible is true. Now, they say, let us look for proof that can confirm it, examining every detail found in God's Word. The skeptical mind, however, assumes that God's Word is false, and from there, almost dares God to prove otherwise. These, therefore, would not qualify as History Channel or Discovery Channel material. Here is Netflix's info on this movie about Noah's Ark: "Drawing on records from numerous ancient societies, this program explores whether the great flood detailed in the Bible actually happened. Many cultures have documented an all-encompassing deluge with astonishing parallels to the biblical account of Noah's ark. Some scientists now believe that the reality of a worldwide flood would account for many geographic anomalies around the globe that, until now, have been unexplainable." 50 mins. This movie is not available through Netflix any longer. It is also not available at Christian Cinema. Keep your eyes peeled for this astounding video!

Exodus Revealed
The Exodus Revealed

Wonderful documentary on the legitimacy of the Bible's account of Exodus. About the only thing they couldn't prove was that God parted the waters of the Red Sea. I'm certain a camcorder shot of that event would have been very popular on Godtube. They really scoured the possibilities of where the Israelites could have taken their long journey to the Promised Land. I found this documentary fairly presented and convincing. Well done! Here is what Netflix said: "Exodus Revealed follows the footsteps of the children of Israel on an unforgettable journey of discovery. A journey that reveals physical evidence for the Exodus, including the remains of 3800-year-old Hebrew settlements in Egypt's Nile Delta, Egyptian records of the Israelites' bondage under Pharaoh and the location of Mt. Sinai." Don't miss checking out the previous documentary about Noah's Ark, also. 120 mins. DVD only.
The End of the Spear

End of the Spear
The End of the Spear is a very uncomfortable movie to watch. Here is what Netflix has to say about it: "Many years after his missionary father was speared to death at the hands of Waodani tribesmen, a young man (Chad Allen of television's "Webster" and "Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman") returns to the Ecuadorian jungle to meet the native (Louie Leonardo) who murdered his father and learn the truth about his family's legacy. The result is a life-altering experience that brings him closer to the kin of his father's killer." Our perception of what life is and how it is supposed to be lived is different from our Lord's. He said it is good for a man to give his life for others. He also said that he who tries to save his life will lose it, but he who loses his life for my sake and (in another Gospel) the Word, shall save it. We have it wrong when we cling to this life as if it were a huggy pillow. In fact, often, it reveals itself as a pillow with shards of glass and metal objects poking out of the fabric. This world, though loved by God, is not our home. Nor was it the home of His Son, who went on ahead to prepare a place for us. Therefore, there ought to be more stories like this one in which people give their lives in order to reach people in hopes that they might become familiar with God. 111 mins. DVD only.

Unlocking the Mysteries of Life
Unlocking the Mysteries of Life
Netflix says: "It's the eternal question: Where did we come from? Noted scientists discuss the possibilities through detailed but easy-to-understand analysis, as striking CGI animation takes you from the depths of the universe to the structure of a single molecule. No matter what side of the creation vs. evolution debate you're on, you'll discover another side to the story in this insightful program." We say do not miss this movie. It is jam packed with wonderful CGI animation that makes it almost impossible NOT to see that God created this universe. 65 mins. DVD only.
The Passion

The Passion
Though this is decidedly a Catholic presentation, it crosses all denominational lines, presenting an excellent and moving one-man play dealing primarily with the final hours of Jesus. This will stir your heart and make you seriously appreciate your Christian walk. I found this more stirring than Mel's Passion of the Christ because, though Mel showed us the physical pain Christ went through, he did not give us the depth and meaning found in the highly appropriate asides that Doug Barry gives us in his passionate Passion play. Fabulous! After you see this movie, you may want to own it. In keeping with what we feel is an important issue, Radix does not charge much for this DVD. It was $9.95 last time I checked. Go here if you feel it could be a good witness tool for you. Netflix says: "Actor Doug Barry teams up with musician Eric Genius to present this gripping interpretation of the passion of Jesus Christ. With nothing but a stark proscenium behind him, Barry takes viewers on an unforgettable journey through the wrenching last hours of Christ, the Son of God who walked the earth, beloved by many, misunderstood by some and needed by all. It's a tour-de-force performance that takes on life's difficult questions." 90 mins. This is no longer available on Netflix and is not at Christian Cinema. You'll have to buy it!

Seven Signs of Christ's Return
7 Signs of Christ's Return
Netflix says, "Using the biblical prophecies of Daniel and John as a road map, writer-director Rolf Forsberg combs world events for seven signs that he argues could herald the second coming of Christ in this intriguing program. Forsberg combines news footage and historical re-creations to outline the seven steps, which include the reunification of Europe, the invasion of Israel and the return of Jews to the Holy Land." One of the people we showed this to actually bought this one at Amazon.com. Her comment: "It made something that is sometimes very hard to explain, easier to understand." 60 mins. DVD only.
China Cry

China Cry
Netflix says: "One woman's story of survival and faith in the face of Communist oppression, this Christian drama follows the life of Sung Neng Yee (Julia Nickson-Soul). Adopted into a wealthy Shanghai family in 1941, Sung Neng enjoys a privileged life until the Japanese seize her home. She joins the Communists, but party officials persecute her when she marries a Hong Kong man. Sung Neng finds strength in God as she tries to survive her terrible circumstances." We have it very easy here in America. Almost no persecution occurs. This could mean that we are no threat to the habitual and embedded carnality running rampant here. True American Christians may one day have to face the persecution this lady had to face--and that many foreign souls have to face every day. Well acted and presented. A riveting and inspiring Christian movie. 103 mins. DVD only.

The Indestructible Book
The Indestructible Book
Christian Answers says: "Kings and emperors could not stop it. War and revolution could not destroy it.
Retrace the historic path of God's word from Mt. Sinai to Plymouth Rock. Meet the scholars, teacher and missionaries whose passionate faith preserved the indestructible book." This one was not available yet on Netflix. I am so glad I decided to purchase this 239 min. movie which is divided into five parts: 'God's Word to Man: How the Bible Began' (approx. 60 min.) 'God's Word in English: A Bible for the Common Man' (approx. 60 min.) 'God's Word and Sacrifice: Martyrs of the Bible' (approx. 60 min.) "God's Word: King James Bible to the Shores of America" (approx. 60 min.) DVD bonus: "The Martyrs," featuing Lucy Swindoll (approx. 39 min.)" Unfortunately, this DVD is not available at Netflix so it could be purchased from ChristianBook.com. It was $24.99 plus shipping, last I checked. 3 disks, 239 mins. It IS available at ChristianCinema.com.
That the World May Know:
Faith Lessons on the Promised Land
with Dr. Ray Vander Laan

That the World May Know: Faith Lessons on the Promised Land with Dr. Ray Vander Laan
We were most impressed by this entire series of Faith Lessons with Dr. Ray Vander Laan. We get to see the Holy Land through the eyes of a very humble, passionate man for the Lord. Here's what Netflix says: "Travel to Israel and draw a whole new understanding of the Scriptures. Wet your feet in the Jordan River and feel the power of the life-giving water, and show your trust in the Lord's bounty by offering up first fruits at Jericho. You'll learn all about how you can cleanse the land by confronting evil and use the tools of society to redeem your world for God. This video is the first volume of the 'That the World May Know' series." Currently there are 5 Faith Lessons (5 discs) but, I understand, there are more that have not made their way to Netflix yet. The first one in the series is the one pictured here. It is 110 mins. To pull up ALL the series, enter in the Netflix search box (without the quotes) "That the World May Know". The 2nd one in the series is on the Prophets and Kings. It is 135 mins. The 3rd one is on the life and ministry of the Messiah. It is 155 mins. The 4th one is on the death and ressurrection of the Messiah. It is 194 mins. And finally, for now, the last one is on the early church: Conquering the Gates of Hell. It is 130 mins. Our home church group saw each of these and we could hardly wait for the next one to arrive. Though Netflix doesn't have them yet, there are two more volumes available in this series. They are "In the Dust of the Rabbi" and "Walk as Jesus Walked." Both give additional cultural information of Jesus' time that help us understand Jesus' teachings and stories in an even greater way. By the way, if you try to purchase this series you will find the price quite exorbitant. I want to say, once again, that we are appalled when Christians try to make a profit from the Gospel. I would like to request that Ray Vander laan and James Dobson of Focus on the Family justify the high price for these inspirational DVDs. Please allow the masses to purchase your films at "give-away" prices. The time is short! DVD only. Also, additional titles of this series are available at ChristianCinema.com.

God's Outlaw: The Story of William Tyndale
God's Outlaw: William Tyndale
We gave this one 5 stars at Netflix! William Tyndale did everything he could to get God's word out in English by proper procedures--but when that failed, he went underground. This is another wonderfully produced Christian story of someone who was willing to give his life for Christ. How much pain can we, or should we, endure for our values? Excellent acting, directing and story. (This movie got a large secular funding because when the British station ran the story of Wycliff in a throw-away time slot one Saturday afternoon, the letters came pouring in from all over from grateful viewers. They, then, produced this one on Tyndale.) When will the secular world wake up to the truth and produce more high quality Christian based films to satisfy our hunger? 95 mins. DVD only.
John Wycliffe

John Wycliffe
Netflix said, "This affecting biography chronicles the life and times of prominent European philosopher John Wycliffe, who was the first to translate the Bible into English. The 14th century, Oxford University scholar often found himself caught between opposing theological, political and societal forces: He defended England's autonomy against the pontiff's authority and championed the indigent against the wealthy's abuses." Another winner from the deep, deep DVD pocket of Netflix. 75 min. Streaming only.

More Than Dreams
More Than Dreams

Netflix says, "This faith-based docudrama chronicles five stories of Muslim men and women who have undergone a spiritual transformation after experiencing visions of Jesus Christ. Once devout followers of Islam, these individuals now practice Christianity after accepting Jesus as their Savior. Re-creations include the experiences of a Turkish former alcoholic, an Indonesian teen, a Nigerian herder, an Egyptian terrorist and a young Iranian man." We were awe struck with this movie. God is not being waylaid by a country's prohibitions and laws when it comes to Christianity. Also, on the Internet, is a book I want you to read called "The Jesus Visions." It is by Christine Darg who pastors in the Middle East. This phenomonon of Jesus' personal visitations to Islam countries is not unique to these five individuals. God is reaching many people in this manner. 187 mins. DVD only.
Gospel of John

The Gospel of John |
Netflix says, "This word-for-word adaptation of the 21 chapters of the Gospel According to John tells story of Jesus' life -- mostly focusing on his final hours, his crucifixion and the events that followed -- from disciple John's point of view. The epic film draws its audience into antiquity through meticulous re-creation, including an original musical score complete with instrumental sounds of the time. Christopher Plummer narrates much of the film." When this movie first came out, the nearest place we could see it was two states away, an eight hour drive, to Hickory, North Carolina. We were riveted to our seats for the three hour movie, weeping at the beauty of God's Son, so wonderfully portrayed by Henry Ian Cusick (and wondering, by the way, how anyone could munch on popcorn during THIS movie). 180 mins. DVD only.

Changed Lives: Miracles of the Passion
Changed Lives:
Miracles of the Passion
Netflix says: "See the inspirational documentary that captures the true stories of people who have been radically and miraculously changed by God as a result of having seen Mel Gibson's film The Passion of the Christ. In their own words, people give accounts of relationships restored, diseases vanquished, the dead resurrected, atheists coming to faith and even a confession to murder. These are profound messages of hope and redemption you won't want to miss!" Mel's Passion of the Christ is an incredibly hard film to watch--but nearly everyone saw it, according to the ticket sales. We need to know what our Savior went through for us. Now that you know, see this movie and realize that Jesus Christ IS transformative. Just allowing Him to be your Lord will open you to unexplainable and wonderful circumstances (miracles). Jesus will heal our culture and prepare us for His return. God is awesome! 54 mins. DVD only.
The Fanny Crosby Story

The Fanny Crosby Story
Netflix says: "Blinded soon after birth, Fanny Crosby adapted to her disability and went on to pen more than 10,000 hymns, more than any other person in history. This biography follows Crosby's life from her extraordinary childhood and her ability to memorize complete books of the Bible to her formal schooling and speech to the U.S. Congress, her role as a wife, her selfless work as a nurse during the cholera epidemic and her prolific hymn writing." Many of Fanny's hymns we sing for the assisted living center we visit weekly. Our home group really loved this short bio. 46 mins. Streaming only.

Netflix says, "Jeremiah tells the story of the prophet who abandons his family, and also the woman he loves, in order to relay God's message in Jerusalem. Although his warning about the destruction of the Holy City results in him being branded as a traitor and persecuted, he continues fearlessly with his mission. His prophecy comes true and he is forced to experience first hand how Jerusalem is destroyed by the Babylonians and how the inhabitants are taken as prisoners to Babylon." When Eva and I saw this, we were very impressed with the production and faithfulness to the Bible. 96 mins. DVD only.
The Last Sin Eater

The Last Sin Eater
We were greatly impressed with this FoxFaith movie, having watched it 3 times. It works on many levels. God's heavenly messenger in this movie provides a welcome divine intervention, making sure people are where they are supposed to be. I appreciated the supreme sacrifice that was made in this movie, knowing that those who try to save their lives, will lose them, but those who are willing to give their, for His sake, will save them. Beyond the graphic brutality is a very satisfying redemption for the whole community which makes this movie a winner. 118 mins. DVD only.

Be Still
Be Still
Netflix says, "In an age in which multitasking has become second nature, the idea of being 'still' almost seems luxurious. Yet achieving stillness through Christian prayer is a spiritually rewarding practice that can change your life forever. In this inspirational program narrated by actor Judge Reinhold and co-directed by his wife, Amy, noted authors, ministers and educators discuss the techniques of contemplative prayer." We truly enjoyed this documentary--which, if you come at it in a relaxed mode, you will thoroughly enjoy also. 92 mins. DVD only.
The Ten Commandments

The Ten Commandments
We recently saw this epic film again. Cecil B. DeMille had a heart for the scriptures and I believe he really wanted to "get it right." As a child, good movies used to make the rounds once every year or so. I, therefore, saw this one numerous times at the theater with my parents and was always mesmerized by the special effects in the 2nd half of the show. It is wonderful to see God portrayed as holy. 220 mins. DVD only.

Facing the Giants
Facing the Giants
Netflix says, "This inspirational drama from award-winning producers Alex and Stephen Kendrick combines faith and football in the tale of high school coach Grant Taylor (Alex Kendrick), who rises above failure to create a winning spirit on the field. Taylor faces a losing team and the possibility of being fired among other things. At the end of his rope, he puts his life in God's hands and, in doing so, finds a stronger purpose and, ultimately, salvation." This movie and the Kendrick brothers first effort (Flywheel) show what people purposed in faith can do. These movies were "big church" produced. Not Hollywood produced, nevertheless, Facing the Giants had nice theatrical runs, eventually earning 10 million (including DVD sales). Hey, that's respectable! You don't have to be a sports fan to enjoy the spiritual aspects of this movie. Flywheel, by the way, was about a used car salesman. The Kendrick brothers have another film coming out soon. It is called Fireproof and the film addresses the institution of marriage. We are going to see Fireproof in a few days. I'll let you know my feelings about it after I see it. (See the next review). Facing the Giants is 112 mins. All the Kendrick brothers movies are available as DVD only.

As we walked into the theater to see this movie, we saw a couple sporting tee-shirts that advertised Fireproof. This was their third time to see this movie. The gentleman's comment was, "Do you know how the quality of Facing the Giants increased so much from their first movie, Flywheel?" Yes, I replied. "Well, Fireproof is a giant step forward for them from Facing the Giants." The Kendrick Brothers are making wonderful, culture transforming movies that truly increase one's faith in God. Kirk Cameron and Erin Bethea, the lady who plays his wife, do a wonderful job. It is all believable and very exciting, thought provoking, and inspirational. We heard from that couple that this movie will not be available as a DVD until early January, 2009. Get on the waiting list! This movie could make many marriages stronger. Netflix says, "Kirk Cameron plays Capt. Caleb Holt, a dedicated firefighter whose marriage to his wife, Catherine (Erin Bethea), has taken a severe turn for the worse and is about to end in divorce. But just when hope seems to be running out for them, Holt's Christian father intervenes, challenging the couple to a 40-day experiment that he hopes will give them a renewed love not only for each other, but also for God." 122 minutes. DVD only.

Against All Odds
Against All Odds
Netflix says, "Faith, miracles and fate: All of these seeming intangibles have exerted a powerful pull on the relatively short history of the state of Israel." This is the final disk of a 13-part documentary TV series. It was the movie. The hand of God can be seen in the stories presented here regarding the amazing establishment of the state of Israel, which the Bible prophesied would happen. People find it difficult to believe that God is sovereign and that nothing happens without His approval. This does not mean that He approves evil. He gave us free will and evil is the result of our departure from His will (which has consequences). But, like the Prodigal Son, He welcomes us back when we have tired of our wandering. This story covers another aspect of God, though. That is providence. God has always had a special place in His heart for his chosen people, the Jews. Even as they wandered from Him and refused to acknowledge their Messiah who came as Jesus Christ, He still is keeping His eye on them and working out complicated formulas and situations that bless them. It is not luck that against all odds, Israel exists today. It is providence. It is God. The exact timing of this movie is unknown. It may be around 90 minutes. There is a photo gallery included but no other features. DVD only.

Neflix says, "This poignant documentary traces the life of German theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer, who was one of the first to speak up against Adolph Hitler throughout Hitler's rise to power. Bonhoeffer organized the Confessing Church, the only structured revolt against Hitler, and turned to his roots as a devout Christian for the strength to take a political stand for Jews everywhere." 90 mins. Streaming only.

The Last Supper
The Last Supper
Netflix says,"Relive the Last Supper through this film made entirely in the Holy Land and the Middle East. Both intricate and vast in scope, the film follows Jesus as he meets with his 12 disciples in Jerusalem's "upper room" to take part in the famous feast that signifies the liberation from slavery to freedom. Along with providing overall background on the event, this program also looks at the meal itself, even providing recipes." 60 mins. DVD only.
Jesus and His Times

Jesus and His Times
Netflix says,"A stirring reenactment of the life and times of Jesus Christ, you'll meet the people of Jesus' time: Caesar, Mary and Joseph, King Herod, Peter, John the Baptist, Pontius Pilate, the Apostles and many more. Hear the stories Jesus loved to tell and relive the power of His miracles." 180 mins (two discs that must be ordered individually). DVD only.

The Privileged Planet
The Privileged Planet
Netflix says, "Embracing the concept of intelligent design and refuting the theory of evolution, this intriguing video posits that Earth was created not by a series of random events but by a "creative designer" who knew exactly what he was doing. Several proponents of intelligent design, including philosophers and scientists, share their views about this controversial theory and provide evidence that supports their premise. Actor John Rhys-Davies narrates." We did see this one and enjoyed it. 60 mins. DVD only.
Escape from Hell

Escape from Hell
Netflix says,"In this evangelistic drama directed by Danny Carrales, Dr. Eric Robinson (Dan Kruse) becomes fixated on the notion of a hereafter that guides all people to heaven. But when a succession of events results in Robinson's death, he learns firsthand that the netherworld is absolutely real for people who've scorned Jesus Christ. The film features impressive special effects that posit a vivid picture of the afterlife." 78 mins. This movie is no longer available on Netflix but is available from ChristianCinema.com.

Bible Stories from the Old Testament
Bible Stories from the Old Testament
Netflix says,"Your favorite stories from the Bible come to vivid life with this program that combines dramatic narration, on-screen text and colorful illustrations by more than 80 artists. The 18 tales include the stories of Adam and Eve, Noah and the Ark, Hagar and Ishmael, Abraham and Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Gideon, Samson, Ruth, David, Solomon, Elijah, Daniel and many more." This is not live action, but art, with words being read dramatically. 180 mins. DVD only.
With No Apology

With No Apology
Netflix says, "This examination of the spiritual dimension in everyday life explores various aspects of Christianity. During the course of five taxicab rides, motivational speaker J. John asks his friend and colleague Joe Boot -- the executive director of Toronto's Ravi Zacharias International Ministry -- how to answer life's most difficult questions. Through these discussions they explore the truth of the Bible, Jesus, other religions, creation and suffering." One of the amateur reviewers said this was the best explanation of some of the toughest questions that come to Christians in the world today. We did see this one and were impressed. 120 mins. I'm so sorry that this movie is not available on either Netflix or ChristianCinema.com. If you Google it, though, you'll find it available for about $16 from many sources. Get it!

Mysteries of the Apocalypse:
Are the End Times Near?
Mysteries of the Apocalypse:
Are the End Times Near?
Netflix's synopsis: "For thousands of years, biblical prophets have foretold that a period of war, famine and persecution will precede the end of the world. Considering the tragedies of modern times, the question is, are the end times already here? This unsettling documentary talks to an array of theologians, scholars and military experts to explore whether the apocalypse is at hand, examining the clues that mark the End of Days." 60 mins. This is no longer available on Netflix however ChristianCinema.com has it available to rent.
Left Behind (The Movie)

Left Behind (The Movie)
I had never had the chance to see the Left Behind series before and recently saw them. I have not had too much interest in the end times because, I believe, our focus should be on expressing the potential God has given us, now--knowing that the future will take care of itself. I ask myself two questions: Do I love the Lord, my God, with all of my heart? Do I love others as I love myself? Then I go on from there. But, having just seen and enjoyed Though None Go With Me which was from one of the Left Behind authors, I decided to watch the Left Behind series, and I'm glad I did. We do not necessarily endorse, by the way, the view the authors of Left Behind tout: which is of a pre-tribulation rapture. But, for Godly entertainment, you may want to see, at least, the first one in this series of three movies. The first thing that rang out for me was that the Bible was held in high esteem throughout the picture and people frequently spoke to God, in prayer, or revered Him with eyes closed. This is refreshing to see in a large production movie. Though it is a story told using John's Revelation, and Ezekiel's and Daniel's prophetic vision of the future as a backdrop, there is plenty of action. It should hold everyone's attention. Netflix says, "When 100 million people vanish from earth, Global News Network reporter Buck Williams (Kirk Cameron) follows the mystery as pilot Ray Steele tries to locate his wife and son. As he digs deeper, he finds that the answers may lie in the Bible. Based on the best-selling novel by Christian evangelist Tim LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins, Left Behind is a chilling look at the chaos that follows Judgment Day." The second and third movies in this series veered extensively from the Word. I don't know if they are planning to continue making movies from these books, but if they aren't, it is a tragedy to end the series with the erroneous idea that Satan is winning in the battle between good and evil. Read my lips: Jesus wins! The first one in this series is Left Behind (The Movie), then Left Behind II : Tribulation Force, and finally, Left Behind : World at War. The links will take you to the individual movies in the series. Left Behind : The Movie is 95 mins, Left Behind : Tribulation Force is 94 mins and Left Behind : World at War is 95 mins. All these movies are available by DVD only.

C.H. Spurgeon Tonight
C.H. Spurgeon Tonight
Netflix says, "Charles H. Spurgeon, a preacher known for his contributions to religion -- and his ability to draw 12,000 churchgoers each Sunday to hear his talks -- is a hallowed figure in the Christian faith and revered as one of the greatest preachers of his time. In this fascinating presentation, Spurgeon scholar Craig Skinner performs a one-man reenactment of the pastor's famous words." Though we are going to moving away from one man preaching to passive pew- warmers, this may possibly be a good re-enactment of an era of the past. God most certainly created some talented preachers and there are many doing fine work today, as well. 60 mins. This movie is no longer available on Netflix, nor is it available on ChristianCinema.com. It can be purchased online, however, from numerous sources.
Molokai: The Story of Father Damien

Molokai: The Story of Father Damien
We saw this and were deeply moved! Not only is this story one of being willing to completely give your life for others but it is an indictment of the church authorities who consistently refused to send the help Father Damien needed. Netflix says,"In this true story, 19th century priest Father Damien (David Wenham) risks everything to help people no one else would touch. When he sees the primitive conditions under which the island's lepers are forced to live, the shocked Damien goes on a personal crusade to improve their physical and spiritual lives. The star-studded supporting cast includes Sam Neill, Peter O'Toole, Leo McKern, Kris Kristofferson and Derek Jacobi." 112 mins. DVD only.

The Radicals
The Radicals
Netflix said,"In 1525 Europe, spiritual martyrs Michael Sattler (portrayed by Norbert Weisser) and his wife broke away from their religious order and began a quest to return the church to the morality of its early years. Their efforts resulted in the rise of the Anabaptists, a movement the medieval world wasn't prepared to accept and stood ready to squelch -- by any means necessary. Based on Myron Augsburger's novel Pilgrim Aflame. 99 mins. Streaming only.
Behind the Glass Door

Behind the Glass Door
Netflix says, "A family learns to cope with their developmentally disabled daughter through prayer, patience and outside support in this inspiring Christian program. Diagnosed with Pervasive Developmental Disorder, a form of autism, Hannah lives in her own world marked by constant tantrums that challenge her parents and siblings. With help from professionals and her family's faith in God, Hannah improves, and the family grows closer than ever before." 53 mins. This movie is no longer available at Netflix and is not available from ChristianCinema.com. You can Google this and purchase it online, however.

Heaven: Our Eternal Home
Heaven: Our Eternal Home
Netflix says, "This religious documentary transports the Bible's take on heaven and hell to the screen. Producers examine the Bible's descriptions of both physical and spiritual characteristics of the afterlife. Viewers will find themselves examining their beliefs, opening up to the possibilities shared in the Good Book." 60 mins. DVD only.
The Crossing

The Crossing
Netflix says, "After Jason's (Kevin Downes) best friend, Matt (David White), loses his battle with leukemia, Jason must face his own immortality. Soon after Matt's death, a class assignment asks Jason to think about what's important to him in life. His search for an answer reunites him with Matt and takes him on a journey to learn the consequences of sin and what it means to follow the Lord. Jason soon realizes he has some important choices to make." 31 mins. DVD only.

Warriors of Honor
Warriors of Honor
Netflix says, "In Warriors of Honor: The Faith and Legacy of Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson, documentary filmmaker Brian Barkley chronicles the role that religion played for the two military leaders, while also presenting an in-depth look at the Civil War. During battles, Lee often asked for God's guidance and used his faith to help him make military decisions. Jackson, a deacon at his church, accepted his death from a war injury as God's will." 81 mins. DVD only.
Jesus: The New Way

Jesus: The New Way
Scholar N.T. Wright does an amazing service to the Lord in presenting this documentary to we non-scholarly folks. His love for the Lord is clearly stated. This is a three hour presentation divided into 6 half-hour segments, all exploring different aspects of Jesus' life with special attention paid to the culture and times in which Jesus lived. It really helps to have the Jewish mind-set explained so that one can have a greater understanding of just how "radical" Jesus was. (One example mentioned in this movie was that Jesus deliberately defied a Jewish law that said you cannot heal a blind person by rubbing spittle and mud on his eyes.) Truly enjoyable. 5 stars. DVD only.

The Power of Prayer
The Power of Prayer
A very moving and insightful look at the power of prayer. As you watch this short film, observe the attitude of the people who are receiving answers and emulate it in your prayers. The attitude is complete relinquishment of our own will and a deep and commanding respect for God--along with humbleness. That is the perfect combination to answered prayer, I believe. We DID see this one and loved it! Five great examples, very well produced. 56 mins. Can't get it from Netflix, though. You have to go to ChristianCinema.com where it IS available.
Mama Heidi

Mama Heidi
This movie actually preaches what this site preaches: Having a pure heart for the Lord and loving the unlovable. Mama Heidi and her husband, Rolland, went to one of the worst places in the world, Mozambique, to help the orphans there as much as they could. Though their lives were in peril, many miracles of healing are occurring. If this movie doesn't move you to tears many times, then your heart needs to be softened and made vulnerable to the Lord's work here on earth. 52 mins. No other features (but quite worth the view). Their book, Always Enough, is recommended on this site as a culturally transforming influence. Streaming only.

Candle in the Dark
Candle in the Dark
This bio-pic relates the story of William Carey, a famous Christian influential in helping the people of India in the 18th century. What a wonderful story of service to others. Candle in the Dark was written by the same gentleman who wrote the Tyndale and Wycliff stories, also on this list of wonderful Christian movies. We do not always have "success," as we would define the term. God, however, rewards those who crave to do His will. Carey had to persist with his mission in life for seven years before it began to bear fruit. Service to God does not always mean financial success. If God wants you to go to an impoverished area, you might have to suffer a little. Netflix says, "Missionary William Carey is the subject of this biopic that tells the story of the Christian leader's 40-year stay in India. Carey takes part in abolishing the practice of sati -- burning widows alive. Known as the Friend of India and Father of Modern Missions, Carey heads up numerous translations of the Bible and continues on, despite a fire that destroys years of his literary works. Richard Attlee, Lynette Edwards and Julie-Kate Olivier star." 97 mins. Streaming only.
The Miracle Maker: The Story of Jesus

The Miracle Maker: The Story of Jesus
We were very pleasantly surprised by this fabulously done story of Jesus. They took some liberties in developing this particular angle of God's story, but remained true to the tone and substance of the Bible. Be sure to watch the feature extra about the difficulties they had to go through in making this movie. Netflix says, "A heavyweight cast of voice-over talent (Ralph Fiennes, Julie Christie, William Hurt and Ian Holm) breathes life into this animated version (using the claymation process) of the greatest story ever told. King Herod, Judas Iscariot and Mary Magdalene are all on hand to play their parts in the life story of Jesus Christ. Particularly effective is the imaginative use of flashbacks." This is NOT just for children, though they will enjoy it. 87 mins. Streaming only.

Great Christian Classics, Volume 1
Great Christian Classics, Volume 1
This movie of old Christian films does merit attention from Christians of today who are looking for quality entertainment that uplifts the culture rather than succumbs to its values. There are three short films on this disc that total 72 mins. "Gideon the Liberator" is the only one we would describe as hokey. Though true to God's Word, the acting is a bit stilted and one could be distracted by it. Still, I enjoyed seeing the Word come to life. It is timeless. The other two films, "Vengeance Is Mine" and "In the Face of Jeopardy," stand up to today's standards in believable acting, coherent writing, and accurate presentation of the material. In "Vengeance Is Mine" we agonize with a young man who just got out of prison as he tries to find the man who committed the crime he got sent up for. "In the Face of Jeopardy" deals with a servant's willingness to lay down his life for his master and how that leads to the master's convicted heart. Well worth our time. We look forward to seeing Great Christian Classics, Volume 2. 72 mins. No other features. Not available at either Netflix or ChristianCinema.com.
Great Christian Classics, Volume 2

Great Christian Classics, Volume 2
Here is what Netflix says, "Three religious-themed stories are under one roof in this collection of short films. 'Seven Days a Week' features a husband who learns that incorporating faith into his life can improve his marriage; 'The Broken Mask' follows two students who overcome racism; and in 'Live a Little,' a teenage DJ realizes that his fashionable job has made him fixated on material trappings, which are ultimately meaningless." We have seen this one and, though the film that was transferred onto the DVD is old and somewhat scratchy, the truths that are revealed are eternal. We particularly liked the one where God was introduced into the workplace. Sometimes, on these old films, they add a voiceover narration that is hokey by today's standards--but still, do you not enjoy watching the TRUTH instead of the lies the culture throws at us? We were impressed with volume 1 also. 90 mins. DVD only.

What If...
What If...
Movies...I said "Movies"...Christian or otherwise, just don't get much better than this. Netflix says, "Would-be preacher Ben Walker (Kevin Sorbo) left his church and his college sweetheart, Wendy (Kristy Swanson), for a lucrative career, but when the slick executive's new ride breaks down, angelic tow-truck driver Mike (John Ratzenberger) offers to show where Ben's life might have gone. In this comedy of second chances, Ben awakens to find Wendy and their kids getting ready for church, while ahead of him lies a day of reckoning and reconsideration."
This is a sort of "It's a Wonderful Life" with enough creativity to totally transform it to a Christian POV. Again, movies just don't get much better than this. 118 minutes. Streaming only.
Law of Love

Law of Love
This is the story of Jackie Pullinger who, in the 60s felt a calling to go to Hong Kong to help the young heroin addicts there. She did not have a church backing her God-given assignment but, as it turns out, the project wouldn't have worked with church backing because God wanted all bridges burnt and a full commitment from Jackie (which He got). This is a wonderful short documentary that will, hopefully, leave you with questions about what your purpose in life is. Netflix says, "This up-front documentary recounts her journey and chronicles the healing that Pullinger brought through a youth outreach program to teenage heroin addicts who had turned away from hope." She gives Jesus the glory and honor and designates Him as the miracle worker throughout this film. We are going to show this one, "The Story of Amy Carmichael" and "Mama Heidi" to some close friends to see the church at work. 51 minutes, no extra features. Jackie Pullinger's book is an exciting and inspiring read. It is called Chasing the Dragon. This link will take you to her book on this site. DVD only.

The Story of Amy Carmichael and the Dohnavur Fellowship
The Story of Amy Carmichael and the Dohnavur Fellowship
In the beginning of the 20th century, a young woman began making a difference, first in her hometown in Ireland, then on to India where God laid on her heart to care for impoverished, abused and endangered children. What an amazing story of courage and persistence. Her story is very inspiring and worthwhile! 50 mins, no extra features. DVD only.
Though None Go With Me

Though None Go With Me
Cheryl Ladd stars in this emotional movie which was made from a book written by one of the authors of the Left Behind series of books, Jerry Jenkins. This faith-based fiction story had many plot turns that holds your attention as it careens through the life of Elizabeth Leroy Bishop, a woman of faith. Keep a box of tissues handy. Though the movie gets a little unbelievable because the story is told to the granddaughter who was one of the characters who was there, and who, would obviously know how everything happened. Nevertheless, we Christians need a good cry, now and then, with a movie that does not forsake God in anyway. Netflix says, "Based on the acclaimed book by Jerry Jenkins, this Hallmark Channel family drama stars Cheryl Ladd as Elizabeth Leroy Bishop, a dedicated Christian who devotes herself to serving God. Spanning 50 years, the film highlights the unwavering faith of Elizabeth, who endures heartbreaking loss and tragedy while on her spiritual journey, ultimately learning that her piety has transformed others. Amy Grabow plays Elizabeth in her younger days." 100 minutes, has some Bible study material that goes with movie, printable from the DVD. DVD only.

The Best of Mark Lowry and Bill Gaither Vol 1
The Best of Mark Lowry and Bill Gaither Vol 1
To what extent do we want to heed the advice given to us in God's Word? Ephesians 4:29 says we are not to talk unwholesomely at all. Much humor that comes from Mark, however, though he is a Christian, does fall into the world's "conventional" idea of what humor is. I'm not saying that ALL of Mark's humor is inappropriate--some is quite legitimately funny--but, interestingly, in all honesty, we have to look at what God tells us in His Word and decide whether or not His Word is an authority that we want to take seriously. If it isn't, perhaps we cannot call ourselves Christians? Although we have only seen this one, please allow me to tell you why we may not be able to recommend any of Mark Lowry's DVDs by clicking here. I've included this DVD in my list because it is here that people will look for good movies to watch and I can get the right people's attention regarding this "Christian entertainment." For those interested in Christ returning for a pure Bride, please be concerned about what we laugh at, and exactly what we teach our children when we partake of this type of humor. Not recommended.
The Note

The Note
This movie IS spiritual and, without giving anything away, it illustrates how awesome our God is. Though God is actively at work, there is no proselytizing going on about it. We are just observers of an incredible unfolding story. Truth is stranger than fiction in real life and this movie, though fiction, gives us an example of the way it works. For most of us, as the events unfold at the end of this movie, tissues were required, so keep that in mind. Netflix says, "In the wake of a deadly plane crash, newspaper columnist Peyton MacGruder (Genie Francis) finds a note belonging to one of the deceased passengers. After she sets out to find the intended recipient of the missive, Peyton finds herself on her own personal journey. Ted McGinley co-stars as her Pulitzer-winning colleague and confidant, King, in this Hallmark Channel heart-warmer based on the novel by Angela Hunt." 87 mins. DVD only.

Between the Walls
Between the Walls
This movie deserved all the accolades it received. It contained some of the most creative shots we've ever seen and they truly caught the struggle any of us might go through when we have to deal with our past. The "extras" on the DVD, though technical, were very interesting, even for people who might not be wanting to know what it takes to make a movie. This movie is about forgiveness, dealing with anger, abusive family relationships, and faith in God. It also touches, through one of the characters, on how God's Word can be abused when it is quoted through a heavily carnal lens. We were grateful to find this movie here. There was no bad language in this film and, therefore, can help in the healing of our culture. Though it was only 1 hour and 12 minutes long, it moved extremely well. There was a lot packed into that film and something is bound to touch you as you become involved in it. The Staron twins who made this film are God loving and doing their best to truly hear the Lord. They could be behind some amazing Christian movies in the future. This is what Netflix says: "Upon learning that his childhood home will be repossessed, Peter King (Patrick Midgley) returns to the house with his family to pack away its contents. While there, he defiantly opens a door that his father (Scott Davis) had always kept locked. Inside, he uncovers a storehouse of family secrets that force him to confront his painful past and begin building a relationship with God. Chris Staron directs this Christian film festival winner." 72 mins. Not available from Netflix or ChristianCinema.com but it looks like it can be purchased online by Googling it.
Hidden Places

Hidden Places
This is another faith-based Hallmark Presentation. How refreshing to hear the Bible being quoted appropriately and held in reverence. This movie takes place in the depression era and the writers appropriately utilize what appears to be coincidence to weave a tapestry that shows God cares for us. 86 mins, no extra features. DVD only.

Pilgrim's Progress (1979)
Pilgrim's Progress (1979)
Interestingly, Pilgrim's Progress has been a best seller since it was written in the 1600s by John Bunyan. There has not been much interest in making a definitive movie of it. We recently saw a half-hour animated version, though, but that isn't much time to truly develop this complex story. In 1979, a live action movie was made of Pilgrim's Progress and this is what I am reviewing now. It was just over an hour and some of that time was used to give us some background on Bunyan before they told his story. Some of the actors were very believable, but the movie, on the whole was very low budget and "hokey." Truthfully, though, I would take hokey over any godless offering from our sick culture. Therefore, I recommend this because it is about the acquisition and utilization of truth as found in God's word. It is about repentance and coming to the cross to allow Jesus to remove our burden. Appreciate this: someone had the perseverence and wherewithal to flesh out a movie that totally goes against the grain of what Hollywood does--which is kick out films that pander to and perpetuate our sick culture. Focus on the truth, not the lies. Appreciate the poorly done films in which someone banked their all with God, not against Him, and produced something edifying. This is why I recommend this movie. By the way, there has been a release of a new version of Pilgrim's Progress that I haven't seen yet. It was made in 2008 and I'm very curious as to how they've treated the subject matter. 72 mins. The 1979 version is available by DVD only. A 2006 version is available at ChristianCinema.com.
A Crisis of Faith

A Crisis of Faith
This is about as creative and moving as it gets. It uses amazing and fabulous thinkers of today, moving poetry and background music that draws you in. They even use incredible art juxtaposed with the music and the fabulous words of today's thinkers. You will notice that in this movie they occasionally give a courteous nod to Jesus. But a courteous nod just doesn't make it for me. This is just another version of man's attempt to understand the universe from his own perspective. It is written as if what WE think is somehow very important--even more important than Jesus and his Word. Please, folks, do not be so foolish as to think that what we come up with as the ultimate "need" of society is of any value. There is NO need but complete submission to God, through Jesus, our LORD and Savior. I do not recommend this movie for committed Christians because it attempts to, albeit in a highly creative way, make our own thoughts and ways of some importance in properly analyzing the nature of man and the nature of the universe. Please be humble. Don't know so much so that God can show you something of value and guide your life in a wonderful way. 230 mins. Not recommended.
 The Touch of the Master's Hand
The Touch of the Master's Hand
First, be warned, this movie is only 18 minutes long. But the message it gives, though short, we too frequently deny or think it unworthy of much attention. This short piece is completely doctrinely sound and an important message for the body of Christ. It is the story of a masterfully crafted violin, the physical abuse it endures, and its eventual restoration. If you see a similarity between what God originally created in Adam and Eve and what we have done to ourselves since the Fall, then you are acquiring an understanding that the movie is about. Since the movie is so short, why don't you take the time to listen to the commentary by the director/writer, T.C. Christensen? You'll be glad you did. This film is based on the beloved poem by Myra Brooks Welch. Streaming only.
Faith Like Potatoes
 Faith Like Potatoes
We were extremely moved by this movie. It was a confirmation that many of the songs we have been writing lately, are in-line with the Word God is speaking in the hearts of the saints TODAY. Be sure to see the documentary on Angus after you watch the movie as his passion for the Lord is infectious. Also, you will get to hear of many more miracles of the Lord in the documentary. Do not miss this movie. This movie is as good as Facing the Giants and other Sherwood Films. Netflix says, "Based on a true story, this inspiring drama centers on white farmer Angus Buchan (Frank Rautenbach), who -- weary of the conflict in Zambia -- moves his family to South Africa, where they try to transform a bare plot of land into a working farm. Buchan faces a string of challenges, but as he overcomes each hurdle, he gradually realizes that his hunger for material wealth has been replaced with a growing sense of spirituality." There is a very hard to watch death of a small child in this movie that you need to be warned about. DVD only.
 Tammy Tell Me True and Tammy and the Doctor
Tammy Tell Me True and Tammy and the Doctor
What an incredible surprise these movies were! Made in the early 60s as sequels to the Debbie Reynold's Tammy and the Bachelor movie, Sandra Dee does a fabulous job in these clean and wholesome romantic comedies. What surprised us the most, though, was how embedded the Scriptures were in Tammy's heart. So embedded were they, that many, many times throughout both these movies, Tammy quoted Scripture in the situations she found herself. You'll be amazed and refreshed as you watch these movies. We have veered off course in deciding God's Word is irrevelant. This is just plain wrong and arrogant. Please, everyone, humble yourselves and be in awe of God's Word, the Bible. These two movies total 185 minutes. DVD only.
Fat, Sick, & Nearly Dead
 Fat, Sick, & Nearly Dead
This may be one of the most inspirational documentary movies, regarding health, that you'll watch. A man from New Zealand is sick of being sick. He's fat and has a skin condition that requires lots of steroids daily to control. He decides to get a juicer and just live on fresh vegetable and fruit juice and his body gradually heals completely. (A doctor monitored his cutting back and eventually eliminating steroids). While traveling across the US, drinking juices and filming this documentary, the New Zealander meets an obese trucker. Later, this trucker hits rock bottom and is thinking his life isn't worth living anymore. He calls the man who has gone back to New Zealand and he flys back to the states to mentor this man. How inspiring is that--especially when you see how this man blossoms and finds a new purpose in his life. Netflix says, "Focusing on two men whose bodies have been trashed by steroids, obesity and illness, this documentary chronicles the rigorous healing path -- including a two-month diet of fruits and vegetables -- that both attempt in a bid to rescue their health." Streaming only.
PS. Eva and I went out and bought a used juicer and I am on my 7th day of a 2 week juice fast even as I type this. Yep, very inspiring movie. I, too, was tired of being overweight and tired of being on cholesterol lowering meds and blood pressure meds. A doctor is attempting to wean me off my meds.
Netflix says, "Faced with a sobering death sentence of execution by lethal injection, a convicted murderer and former prostitute embraces religion, marries a prison minister and focuses on making the most of her last days on Earth." We say that our God is a God of forgiveness. He may not take the death sentence away, but He will give we believers peace that passes understanding. This was a very good Christian story--not comfortable, but realistic. Death, with Jesus, where is your sting? 124 mins. Available streaming only.
The Power of Forgiveness: The Story of Karla Faye Tucker
 The Power of Forgiveness: The Story of Karla Faye Tucker
Netflix says, "In 1998, Karla Faye Tucker made headlines as the first woman to be executed in America in 15 years. But despite her sins as a confessed pickax murderer, she experienced a radical religious conversion in prison and was ultimately viewed by some (including the brother of one of her murder victims) as a fully rehabilitated person and by others (her husband, Richard) as a cold-blooded killer who merited no mercy. Did she deserve to be forgiven?" This short documentary really needs to be seen along with Forevermore (the previous movie on this list). The emphasis in this documentary is on the brother of one of the victims who felt compelled to cease the self-destructive desire for hate and vengeance through Jesus Christ. This brother eventually came to love Karla Faye as a friend. The husband of the sister, however, is portrayed as someone unwilling to climb out of the despair and heaviness that is linked with unforgiveness. Another movie made that includes a portrayal of Karla Faye Tucker is called Crossed Over and stars Diane Keaton. We did not care for that one as the redemption of Karla Faye through Jesus Christ was not properly displayed (according to the actual documentary). This movie is 30 minutes and only available as streaming.
 The Encounter
The Encounter
Netflix says, "When five strangers with nothing in common come together at a remote roadside eatery, they place their orders with the diner's omniscient owner, who seems to know everything about them ... and is eerily reminiscent of Jesus Christ." Very thought provoking, heart convicting movie. 90 minutes. Streaming only.
In the Blink of an Eye
 In the Blink of an Eye
Here's what Netflix says about In the Blink of a Eye: "What was supposed to be the perfect vacation comes to a horrific crossroad for Det. David Ramsey. Aboard a private yacht on the Sea of Cortez, his wife and friends suddenly disappear, and David must unravel the mystery. Or was it all just a dream?" We would call this thought provoking movie the Christian Groundhog Day movie. You'll see why. Don't miss this one! 85 minutes. Streaming only.
 Leave It to Beaver
Leave It to Beaver
This classic family comedy has really appealed to us. It is godly and takes us back to a time when America had much better values than it does today. Enjoy! And please pray for a return to those values.