Over one and one-half years ago, in 2006, I heard a call from the Lord to write a book, “The Final Call to Repentance.” It was a very hard word about the need of the Western Church to be cleansed and purified, in preparation for the judgment of America, and other Western nations. God is about to cleanse the Western world for the many sins that are rampant, both in the worldly realm and in the Church. Judgment begins in the house of the Lord, however, so it is the Church who is first addressed and called to repentance.
It was a very difficult message for me to write. It took months to complete and a year to get around to establishing a new website to post it on. Those who know us best know that Vic and I usually share the message of non-judgment and love among the brethren. Our previous website: reflected that, as does most of our current site.
Although I believe God wants me to speak as a prophet, to call the nations to repentance and to warn of the impending judgment if we do not repent, I did not speak in first person as if I were the Lord, as Old Testament prophets did, and as do many who profess to be prophets today. That is because I feel unworthy to take such liberty. I am as guilty as anyone of many of the sins God has shown to me. It is with fear and trembling that I claim to speak on the Lord's behalf, under the direction and unction of the Holy Spirit. What I have to share is a very strong message to the Church, the Body of Christ, and I desire to present it with all the humility that I can. Just because I don't present it in the prophetic voice of first person, “Thus saith the Lord,” I urge all who hear to take it to heart and know it is of God and from God.
There are many claiming to be prophets, who run around with their endless promises and proclamations. They declare “Thus saith the Lord” making general declarations of blessings that sound more like a horoscope reading, and I fear for them. Knowing that I would face a dreadful accountability before God if I speak falsely in His name, I give this sincere warning for the Western Church.
I have wept and struggled with God over this message. The Western Church is in grave danger of a coming judgment. Already God has allowed the foreshadowing of things to come. Be not deceived, things are swiftly gearing up for the tribulation and second coming of Christ. But I have not wanted to give this message. I have not felt worthy because of the sin in my own heart, and writing such a strong message has cost me friendships. I have rewritten it over and over to ensure that the tone was humble, without softening the message to the point that none would take it to heart. But it can't be softened enough to be palatable to most folks because it is such a difficult word for believers. Nevertheless, God wants it said. Whether anyone believes or heeds me, God will do what He says He will do. He will reveal the truth in time, even to those who oppose my words, when He brings the things to pass that will shake his Bride back into HIS reality.
A prophet's true call is not to be a fortune-teller to the people, giving them promises of prosperity or ministry, nor is it to try to forecast the next disaster to hit, and where, as is so often done these days. The prophet's job, throughout scripture, is to point out the sins of the people, to proclaim God's displeasure with His children, backing it with His Word. The purpose is to stir the people's hearts, encouraging them to press on and repent so that God's blessings can be restored to the people. Also, the prophet has the burdensome task of declaring what will happen to the people if they harden their hearts and refuse to repent. Neither the Lord, nor His true prophets take any joy in the fulfilled consequences of sin, which is God's rod of correction.
As I write this, there are people whom I have loved dearly who will have nothing to do with me because of the words I have written. It saddens my heart, but I must obey God. It is Him that I will have to give an accounting to. I believe, like the Jews who anticipated worldly blessings from their “Messiah,” many have bought into the promise of an earthly king who offers wealth and success. They have rejected the Christ who assured them of suffering, persecution, trials and tribulations while on this earth. It should not be surprising that I should go through the pain of rejection for speaking the truth. Besides, in this painful process; I have been allowed to better examine my own heart in the light of our Lord's Word.
(1Pet. 4:12-14) Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal which comes upon you to prove you, as though something strange were happening to you. But rejoice in so far as you share Christ's sufferings, that you may rejoice and be glad when his glory is revealed. If you are reproached for the name of Christ, you are blessed, because the spirit of glory and of God rests upon you. [RSV]
The Lord took me to Jeremiah 26:12-16 and showed me where even the officials of wicked Judah, who despised what Jeremiah said, had enough sense to not sentence Jeremiah to death because he had spoken in the name of the Lord. Then God said to me “But the people of My Church, who claim to love and belong to me, attack anyone who claims to speak in my name, unless they prophesy peace, safety and prosperity. They reject anyone who speaks against sin, and calls for repentance and proclaims My judgments upon those who don't heed the warning. Of course you will be rejected. It has always been this way among my covenant people, Israel, and it remains so among my new covenant people, the Church.”
So I come before the body of Christ, writing few words from my own perspective, for I am nobody. I write what God has instructed me to write from the perspective of the Word, and all of it is in alignment with the whole counsel of God. Although I use and refer to scripture throughout this book, exact quotes will be in red and notated. It is God who has compelled me to speak strong exhortation and rebuke and warn of severe judgments--just as the prophets of old were made to speak harsh warnings to the people of ancient times.
In a spirit of prayer, I have written what follows. If something sounds self-righteous to you, know that I don't intend it that way on my part, but since I am acting as God's spokesperson, and since God IS righteous, realize He has every right to declare His holiness in as strong a manner as He likes, and I must obey, regardless of what anyone else says against me. Therefore, if it angers anyone, they shall have to search their own hearts and take it up with God, since it is He who has spoken and not me. It will be God's Word you are rejecting, not my words.
America is about to receive terrible judgments as a result of her failure to repent of wickedness. We have been taken down the path of destruction by leaders at every level in government, education, religion, and business. God has either been outright forsaken and denied, or else a man-made God has been created in the minds of most citizens. Be prepared to go through a fiery cleansing via economic and natural disasters. There will be even more floods, earthquakes, fires, droughts, storms, financial collapses, famines, wars and rumors of wars to come in our near future because we have not repented of evil. It will rain on both the righteous and the wicked alike. But for those who remain steadfast and true to the Lord, He will carry you through and preserve your soul. This is a warning and a call to repentance.
(Eze. 3:19) But if you warn the wicked, and he does not turn from his wickedness, or from his wicked way, he shall die in his iniquity; but you will have saved your life. [RSV]
(Eze. 3:21) Nevertheless if you warn the righteous man not to sin, and he does not sin, he shall surely live, because he took warning; and you will have saved your life." [RSV]
(Eze. 33:1-7) The Word of the LORD came to me: "Son of man, speak to your people and say to them, If I bring the sword upon a land, and the people of the land take a man from among them, and make him their watchman; and if he sees the sword coming upon the land and blows the trumpet and warns the people, then if any one who hears the sound of the trumpet does not take warning, and the sword comes and takes him away, his blood shall be upon his own head. He heard the sound of the trumpet, and did not take warning; his blood shall be upon himself. But if he had taken warning, he would have saved his life. But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet, so that the people are not warned, and the sword comes, and takes any one of them; that man is taken away in his iniquity, but his blood I will require at the watchman's hand. So you, son of man, I have made a watchman for the house of Israel; whenever you hear a word from my mouth, you shall give them warning from me." [RSV]
In love and humility and dread, I deliver these words of warning from the Lord. None of us are without something to repent of, before the Lord. We must all agree to come against the heresy and apostasy within ourselves and the Body of Christ, that has rendered the Church to a worldly and selfish state, crippling Her of having full power. God is warning us to repent, while there is still time and grace. God is preparing a pure Bride, whose devotion to the Groom will be strong enough to endure the judgments that WILL fall upon unrepentant nations. In Her love and strength, the last days Church will bring in the final harvest of souls, before Christ's return.
If America does not repent and change her course VERY soon, the judgments God has sentenced upon her will come swiftly. She will be stripped of her glory and will become a proverb and a byword among the nations. This applies to other nations as well. In fact, the godless European Union is gaining strength by the day and may soon replace America as the major economic power of the world. Our financial ability to support our military strength could easily be depleted if we continue to try to police the globe, whose volatile nature is ever-increasing.
A widening gap between moral values is causing our nation to teeter on the brink of an all-out civil war, where the factions have no geographical boundaries. Therefore the entire country will be the battleground. A deluded American government continues to operate in greed and irresponsibility, at the expense of the working class citizens, seemingly ignorant of the growing unrest among the people. Americans find their financial struggles continually worsening with excessive taxation, rising costs of fuel, resulting in inflation on all fronts. Crime is continuously on the rise, immorality abounds, and the violent deaths of unborn infants bring a cry of outrage, blood and injustice upon our land. Terrorists look for any crack in security they can find, in order destroy our nation. Despite many disasters both here and throughout the earth, we still forget that only God's mercy holds back the winds, floods, earthquakes and fires that could bring us to quick ruin. Americans rest in a false sense of security that is ludicrous, in the light of how fragile and vulnerable things really are.
In the midst of all this, the Church, the one voice that should be a beacon of light and hope at this crucial time, tends to drink the wine of prosperity and indifference. Materialism, ambition and selfishness abound within the hearts of the individuals, as well as the various “churches,” and sin abounds on every level of many who profess to be in the Body of Christ. God is issuing a “Final Call to Repentance” for His Church. It will be the Bride's last chance to get Her act together and BE the Church Jesus Christ has called her to be. He is coming for a pure Bride who loves as He taught us to love and lives unselfishly as He taught us to live, for the sake of the Gospel and the final harvest of souls in these very last days.
Hear and pay attention,
Do not be arrogant,
For the Lord, has spoken.
Give glory to the Lord your God
Before he brings the darkness.
Jeremiah 13:15 & 16a [NIV]
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