Crack in the Mirro r
In a major city, in a typical middle class suburb, the house of crack became apparent. The family living across the street watched in horror as users and sellers came and went at all hours of the day and night. Strange chemical smells issued from the house of crack.
There was a sense of threat here. Should they call the police? Could that be done anonymously?
As a family, they were suddenly inspired to clean up their own house. After fully submitting to the Lord, He redirected their energy from the house of crack to their own home. The whole family worked together, scrubbing, shining, cleaning, and hauling garbage away.
In a matter of weeks, with no apparent reason, the parties involved with the house of crack, moved away. An operation that seemed to have no end, ended.
Now that I am saved, my only responsibility is to accept God's healing grace for myself. Jesus said to judge not lest you be judged. My judgment needs to be relinquished. It is automatic when we no longer rule our lives and allow the King in our hearts to rule. Fully trusting Him is the only way out of judgment. This is my only responsibility. With complete trust, forgiveness will come in. Yes, my only responsibility is to myself. There may be a lot of people I want to correct, but true correction can only come from Jesus, and He does it within myself. Certainly you've noticed that, in general, very few people are moved to change their behavior because you have judged them harshly and let them know about it, either in writing or verbally. Why is this?
It is because, now that I am saved, I am responsible to change no one but myself. This does not mean I am selfish or uncaring. It means I am allowing myself the perimeters I need to recognize the scope of healing that is possible in me. The scope of healing is a lot bigger than one at first might believe. By allowing Jesus to be in charge, His Holy Spirit instills His perception in me, and I no longer will see the way I used to. I will see through Him and not through my own convoluted, distorted, carnal mind. We can't continue to view through our unsubmitted mind and expect changes to occur externally, to others. Only when we view our world through Jesus Christ and with His blessing, submitting to His guidance as a defenseless child, will our perception be cleansed and error (which went deep in us, extending outward) will be corrected, producing true healing. Once the problem is brought home, and the proper responsibility is taken, it is easily corrected by God. As long as the problem is seen as "out there," it will remain elusive.
I need to continually seek the Lord and trust Him to show me how to clean up my own house (He asked us to remove the plank from our own eye before removing the splinters in other people's eyes. But truthfully He knows us better than we know ourselves and He should be the surgeon removing all planks and splinters, not us).
As much as we would like to believe we don't have any say in the matter, we do make our own world. The key is not keeping it. It must be submitted, along with our lives, to the Lord for His correction. He died for this. Let's not make His death a small matter. Fighting to change my world from the outside is futile. Allowing the Holy Spirit to see for me, withdraws me from the addiction I have to try and manipulate my world. When I no longer feel the need to manipulate my world, wonderful healings can occur and correction that looked as if it were only needed by someone else, becomes a healing for me as well.
(I heard this true story in a class several years ago in California. I do not remember the actual names of the participants.)
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