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Chapter 17

A Beaker of Goo

The atheistic scientists try repeatedly to replicate the conditions under which life began on this planet. They think it began on its own, as sort of a spontaneous combustion of living, breathing beings but, so far, they have been unable to get the life-creating engine to catch. It just won't start. Can you imagine God, with a puzzled brow, looking at the atheistic scientists from His domain and asking, "You want me to start it, again? Was there a problem?" If only they could get the conditions absolutely perfect; you know, a little more nitrogen here, a little less oxygen, some shade, some sun. "Come on, do something," they urge the beaker of goo. We think of the book or movie, "Frankenstein's Monster," and imagine the lightning, the wet soil, the minerals in the rocks just itching to grow legs and lungs, and becoming walking, breathing creatures of some ancient sort. How is this belief less absurd than believing God created this universe and everything in it?

I suppose atheistic scientists would prove, once and for all, whether God exists or not, if they could be privy to the creation of His life. They would observe the changing of minerals into living creatures and prove, once and for all, that God had nothing to do with it. They haven't been able to do this, but, they think it is only a matter of time. If the atheistic scientists really want to become as God and create life, they are going to have to start with the same ingredients He had: Nothing.

Though believers and non-believers alike find the study of living things interesting, no one can detect (outside the physical bodies) any sign of the spark of life, any sign of the animated creature's spirit. Its birth into and its death out of the body leaves no contrail, no tangible substance to study. Atheistic scientists, therefore, are doomed to study only the results of God's life. This will have to do, since the spirit of all of God's creation remains unseen, even undetectable outside the body.

So science studies remains, the shells cast aside by the created, after God's life is through with it. And from this garbage heap, the atheistic scientists make their theories. It must be hard for the atheistic scientist to draw conclusions based on the leftovers God leaves behind. BUT, if they could make their own life to play with and experiment with, and make it evolve the way they wanted it to, then they would no longer have to search the world studying only God's leftovers, in their frantic attempt to prove there is no God and declare that man is all powerful and self sufficient. (Sounds like the promise made to Eve in the Garden: "You will be like God.") Hence, they desire to reproduce from scratch the life, the spirit, and the spark on their own. If they cannot do this, they will be disappointed and humiliated, so they try. Again and again, they try. They attempt to purposefully replicate the very thing they believe, that life is merely a very unusual, rare chemical reaction that began by chance, long ago in primordial ooze.

They cannot allow their thoughts to sink into the horrid possibility that they might have been created by, and be forever be dependent upon, God. That may be the worst thing of all. Dependence on God, often seems repulsive to the high-minded atheistic scientist. Nevertheless, science cannot create something from nothing. But Something did create both matter and life, from nothing. That Something is God. It certainly wasn't us.

Oh, if the atheistic scientists could only prove that life happened by chance! They should be spending all their time and resources determined to make life (or even matter) from nothing. They cannot, in all fairness, utilize building blocks that were already created by God. They must do their own work, ideally, in a vacuumed beaker, in a space station behind the moon (so as not to have the advantage of God's sun rays). I suppose, then, they should wait patiently for something to manifest by their belief, for, as I stated, they really can't use any of God's pre-fabricated material5.

Laugh if you will, but life (the spark) is now and always will be exclusively God's domain. God's Spirit of life, animating and found within all living beings, is God's argument for Himself. Secondarily, all things with an atomic structure (all substance) can be added to the list of things created by God. Outside of life and substance, which were made manifest from nothing, by God's power, there really isn't anything the atheistic scientist can work with to prove his point. For even him, the perceiver, the analyzer, is using a gift given to him by God, his mind, to build his very belief structure, that disavows God.

Besides all of this, the atheistic scientists are not able to prove that God doesn't exist, anymore than we can prove He does. Therefore the atheists' proclamations and arguments against a Creator are completely unscientific. That puts them on the same playing field as the Christian believer—acting, speaking and believing in faith.

5. Reading this to my wife, I was told that I have given the scientist too much material with which to work. Even the beaker is made from a substance created by God, as are the materials of the space station. So, once you are behind the moon, all I'm allowed to let you have is the void of space. Step into it. Then you can shout something appropriate. "Let there be light" as you know, has already been used. Back.

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