Chapter 3
The Simplicity of Truth
Many professing Christians do not follow their leader, Christ, and do as He commanded in the Bible. This results in many Christians becoming easily offended, when personal offense is simply not part of true Christianity. Christians should be in a leadership position when it comes to being able to take offense well, offering prayers and love to those who offend. Instead Christians frequently adopt the world's ways of dealing with wrath, by responding angrily and entering into an arena of conflict. We cannot show anything special to those who deny our faith, unless we become radical in our faith, following its precepts and striving for a personal life of holiness. I said holiness, that is, a pure heart, not self-righteousness.
As we look into how to love the atheists, keep in mind that in order to love them, we must understand and love ourselves. Otherwise, how can we possibly follow Jesus' command to love others, as we love ourselves? Fellow Christians, can you not see that if we keep defending ourselves, by attacking those who offend us, we are shielding ourselves from our own healing? God's mighty hand of forgiveness only penetrates our souls when we, according to God's Word, forgive others. If this is understood and embedded into our hearts as true, we will be more inclined to quickly forgive others, in order to be healed of unseen sins we harbor in our hearts. Don't be deceived by the simplicity of this truth. It has regrettably flown over the heads of many devout and sincere Christians, from the day Christ first uttered it.
Since God sent His Son, Jesus, into this world to share with us what He claimed was the truth, we must be aware that there are not many truths, but only one truth. This truth has been handed down through the entire Judaic history (in the Old Testament mainly in the form of laws and prophecies) and then those laws and prophesies were fulfilled with the coming of Jesus. The teachings of Jesus are designed to show us there is another way to live that does not conform to the ways of the world. Christianity should teach, essentially, that we are to conform to the way of heaven—and even be holy ourselves. There are not many Christians who demonstrate the holiness that Christ came to teach us, but immense potential is there. A holy powder keg is eventually going to explode in revival, but there will still be people who refuse to follow Christ. The Revelation of St. John affirms that some will hate God, until the very end.
Though it may seem that belief systems are often pandered by our government, and given special status, it is odd that Christians are frequently persecuted in this secular society. Public prayer, which not too long ago used to be a mainstay in the schools, has been banned. Yet, most puzzling, in this secular world, is the fact that many other belief systems are studied in the classroom, but it is only Christianity that is excluded and even forbidden (despite the fact that our whole society was founded on Judaic/Christian principles). What should be the Christian response to this obvious unfairness?
Those Christians practicing true Christianity will bear their crosses, and will continue praying for and loving those who are treating them with disdain. Period. It is very important to storm heaven with our prayers, when any injustice occurs. If true Christianity is not being practiced by Christians, then we are practicing a watered down version of Christianity (with almost laughable results). God will reach for us, when we reach for Him, bestowing His power to our witness. Our prayers to God must be backed by our faith in Him. So often, we do not realize that when God rectifies injustice, he internally corrects both the victim and the victimizer, with His soothing and healing balm of love. How could it be otherwise with a God who deeply loves and longs for all His creatures? Hence, our part, the Christian role, when dealing with injustice, involves praying penitently to God, to help us forgive the injustice—so that God can forgive any hidden, unknown vestiges of this same sin in us. This really can't be emphasized too much. Those around us are a reflection of us.
Atheistic books state that Christians have been involved in many wars, allegedly to "persuade" the lost to become Christian, or to avenge those who killed Jesus. To be fair, just as many atheistic groups are equally guilty of heinous crimes against humanity for their cause. Atheistic Communist regimes are high on the list of those that have killed and persecuted large groups of people. However, critics should not judge any religious or political group by its worst members. Therefore, Christianity should not be judged faulty, just because there are those claiming to be Christians, who are failing to follow Christ's teachings (such as to love our enemies). The atheist, of course, should not hold the Christian to a higher standard than he holds his own peers, however, since he does, the Christian must deal with it in patience and humility. For God does hold His children to the higher standard of practice and accountability. "To whom much is given, much is required." We are to be the example and we are given no excuse to retaliate, or fail to be gracious.
Unfortunately, there are few Christians who are striving to live the holy life of love for God and others that Jesus asked us to live. If half the people who claim to be Christians would merely live the life of dedication to Christ that He asks us to live, setting their sights on things above, rather than on things below, as well as fully consecrate all their talents and possessions for this purpose, those with little faith would no longer have trouble seeing our supernatural God at work on this temporary way station known as earth. Nor would they have any trouble seeing sincerity, love, grace, and Christ-like perfection in us.
God, open up our hearts to the truth. You said the truth will set us free. We want to know the truth that, as we forgive others, God, You forgive us. We want You to move in our hearts in a mighty way as we strive to love others, such as atheists, who do not yet know Christ.
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