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To the Teachers, Professors, Universities, and other purveyors of "knowledge":

Before I begin, I want to clarify that some education is needed and appreciated. I speak now of those things that must be known before a practice can be applied. I want any nurse who tends to me, to know where my veins are located. I want a surgeon, if I must have one, to know where my vital organs are, before he cuts. I love the convenience of my automobile and my computer. I appreciate those with the understanding to invent, manufacture and repair these wonderful tools. Scientists, mathematicians, laboratory technicians, electricians, and a host of other fields, requiring specific knowledge and skills, are needful and require legitimate education.

However, much of what passes as education is merely social brainwashing, and an attempt to keep the professional elite above the masses. The requirement of "degrees" for many other jobs is unnecessary. In these fields, it is more a process of learning submission and there is an added agenda that is geared toward eradicating the hope and faith of young minds. In this regard, the education system is a monstrous institution, with money as the main motivation, and the elimination of God as the second. (Why else would educational institutions insist upon teaching Darwin's evolution theory as a fact, when many modern scientists admit it is a debunked idea, unsupported by fossil records?) Here is another group, to whom an extra accountability will be required, on the great and terrible day of the Lord. God will hold those who teach others in higher accountability. On the fearful day of reckoning, you will not only be accountable for your own unbelief, but for those whom you led into unbelief as well. You will weep and gnash your teeth on that day! Your blood will be upon your own heads and not mine because I have warned you.

(Job 12:7-10) But ask the beasts, and they will teach you; the birds of the air, and they will tell you; or the plants of the earth, and they will teach you; and the fish of the sea will declare to you. Who among all these does not know that the hand of the LORD has done this? In his hand is the life of every living thing and the breath of all mankind. [RSV]
To these, God restrains His anger, but only for a while. You have proclaimed yourselves wise and perverted truth in the name of “education.” Many educators are full of pride, creating academic standards that basically are nothing more than a demand of submission to the preferred religion of secular humanism. Your elevated “sages,” so-called enlightened ones, are devoid of any truth, deceived by their own vain and evil imaginations. They are rebellious to God and keep the company of demons. Yet you uphold these twisted humans as gods, as well as yourselves, to whom your students must bow and pay homage. You pass off mere theories, philosophies and ideas as fact, while you scoff at the real truth of the universe. You insist upon upholding a shattered theory that promotes atheism, when the originator (Darwin) of that theory had only primitive means of observation. Meanwhile, modern technology increasingly points to an intelligent designer of the universe, yet you willingly refuse to allow the evidence to be taught, lest it open the eyes of this generation that everything in the universe points to an intelligent Designer. You are not educators, but devourers of hope, destroyers of faith, merchants of false teachings, and perpetrators of lies. You claim to be intellectuals, whose minds rise above the blind faith of religion, yet it requires just as much blind faith, if not more, to hold fast to your beliefs. Repent! For God will soon pull your ivory towers down. Your massive influence is about to be usurped as God brings disruption into your shallow world. What will you do to save mankind, or even yourselves, when the very elements begin to melt down?
(Proverbs 16:5) Everyone who is arrogant is an abomination to the LORD; be assured, he will not go unpunished. [RSV]


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