To the Leaders and Lawmakers:
When Jesus said “Woe to you lawyers (lawmakers) you burden the people and you will not lift a finger to help,” he was addressing the Pharisees, who spent their lives interpreting and enforcing the laws of Moses in ways that made life unbearable for the people. But this same sort of burdening and lawmaking continues through the government, lobbyists and legislators of today. Despite the cry from the oppressed citizens, leaders continue to live in their sheltered world of excess. Eventually, the corruption of a nation's leaders is passed on to the embittered people and there is no regard for one-another, within a society. Such a society is a house divided, and it WILL NOT STAND. Decadence only leads to the fall and ruin of a nation, and those who ignore the signs and continue in their extravagant and wicked living, will reap the destruction that is to come. You don't have to believe me or the Bible or agree with my faith to know this truth. You only need to study world history. Such moral breakdown will contribute to the coming fall of America, as it has every nation where corruption abounds. These same warnings God gave to Israel applies to every nation, whether they are “in covenant” with Him or not. He is a God who despises injustice.
(Deut. 16:19) You shall not pervert justice; you shall not show partiality; and you shall not take a bribe, for a bribe blinds the eyes of the wise and subverts the cause of the righteous. [RSV]
Because Americas leaders have not upheld, respected or acknowledged the Lord, God in this nation, because they have passed regulations in an attempt to have all traces of God removed from our midst, this land shall become a desolation and abomination by their own hands. They have become greedy and selfish gluttons, keeping too much money for themselves. They give away the bread of those who work, to those who don't. They are breaking the backs of the laborers. They deal unjustly with and overtax the people. They have no wisdom, nor discernment, because they have no God. They are the wicked of the wicked, entrusted with the representation of the people, they have become greedy cheats and liars. They claim to be “public servants” while they make servants of the public. They do not obey the very laws they make but they bully the people with them. They rape and plunder and violate the nation that has blessed them. They cause hatred and resentment among the races, as well as hopelessness and disillusionment among the people. They are guilty of treason. God is against them and because of them, the nation will fall unless they repent.
(Isa. 1:21) How the faithful city has become a harlot, she that was full of justice! Righteousness lodged in her, but now murderers. [RSV]
It is God who places men and women in positions of power and authority. Yet they disregard the very God who placed them in their high position, and they attempt to eradicate Him from the land. They are wise in their own eyes, as they stumble on, in blind destruction of the people's rights God assigned them to protect. They are full of corruption, injustice and deceit. They betray the trust of the people and God WILL eventually bring their kingdoms down. The history of the world and nations, since the beginning of time has made this very clear, but they refuse to see. Therefore destruction will come upon them and they will be cast down from their lofty heights. God requires a greater accountability to those whom He has placed in authority. They will be appointed a more severe judgment than those they have cheated and abused. They will be most wretched on the day of the Lord, when the One who has true authority administers true justice. What a terrible day that will be for many of this nation's leaders! They seek to save their kingdoms and the life they love, but they will lose them.
(Isa. 10:1-3) Woe to those who decree iniquitous decrees, and the writers who keep writing oppression, to turn aside the needy from justice and to rob the poor of my people of their right, that widows may be their spoil, and that they may make the fatherless their prey! What will you do on the day of punishment, in the storm which will come from afar? To whom will you flee for help, and where will you leave your wealth? [RSV]
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