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To the Unbelievers: Atheists, Skeptics, and Opposers of the Gospel

In arrogance, you proclaim your gospel of hopelessness and have tried to make those who are called by Jesus' name to be ashamed of the truth they have. You think you are wise, but you are foolish and will receive the inheritance of the foolish unless your eyes are opened. Even those who proclaim that Jesus was a good teacher or a prophet, have no wisdom in these concessions. For if you say Christ was a prophet, then you should have believed him when he said that all authority is given to him and that he said, “before Abraham was, I am.” When he said he would rise again on the third day after his death, then if he is a prophet, why have you not believed him? If you say he was a good man, then you are foolish and deceived, for your disbelief of Who he was and what He did, condemns you. For this “good” teacher said “I am the way and the truth and the life and that NO one comes to the father, God, except through Me." If then, He is who He said He was, and you have refused to believe in Him, you are doomed to eternal judgment, because of the truth which you have rejected. Don't think that conceding that He may have been a good teacher or a prophet will save you. It will not.

For those of you who are atheists, especially those who have actively persecuted the Gospel with lawsuits to eliminate and eradicate the Gospel from government shrines, buildings and schools, you are a particularly sad lot. Your self-sufficiency will fail you on that day, when EVERY knee shall bow and EVERY tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. You too, will bow on that day, but you will not enter into his glorious kingdom. You will be cast into the fiery pit, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. It is so sad and needless because the one true, loving God, who doesn't desire that any should come to this fate, has provided a way of escape for you but you are too proud of your “intelligence” to take it.

Your judgment against the church of Jesus Christ and his servants will be your own judgment on that day. You should repent of your arrogance and foolishness, while there is still time. Otherwise, you will not escape the wrath that is to come, which has been reserved for those who rejected the salvation of God. Whether or not you believe there is a God, and a hell designed for Satan and his demons, does not change the fact that it is true. Your notion of truth does not make it the truth. Even for all the deception you have caused, I would not wish the horrors of the damned upon you. That horrible place was not created for man. Jesus made a way out so that no man need go there.

(Rom. 1:18) For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and wickedness of men who by their wickedness suppress the truth. [RSV]
Humble yourself then, and consider that it is not possible for you to know for certain whether you are right or wrong in your determination that there is no God. You cannot prove God does not exist anymore than anyone can prove He does. So since it requires faith either way, you are entrusting your soul to a belief, the same as those who profess Christ. If the Christian is wrong, then nothing was really lost by trying to live in the spirit of love that He asks of us. If you are wrong, you have bet your soul on a losing horse.
(Psalm 14:1) The fool says in his heart, “There is no God.” They are corrupt, they do abominable deeds, there is none that does good. [RSV]
I know an atheist who is a very good man and I love him like a brother. I don't want him to perish and I pray for him every single day. He has acted more Christ-like than many who claim to be Christians. But even this dear man is a sinner, for there is none on the earth who is righteous, not one. All come short of the glory of God and all have need for a Savior. I have confidence that my Lord will save him, and I will storm Heaven with prayers until that day. I know another atheist I pray for daily, who is not so nice. He is racist, angry, rude, and doesn't care whether there is a God or not. But God has placed him in my life so that he will be prayed for. I hope someone is also specifically praying for the many others who are too self-sufficient to believe. I hope someone is praying for each of you who read these words. God is about to tear down the earthly securities that make a man or woman see no need for God in their lives. On the day you cry out to Him, know that He stands ready to help and make Himself known to you.
(Isa. 1:18) “Come now, let us reason together, says the LORD: though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they shall become like wool. [RSV]


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