To the Wicked in General:
The same lust, immorality, murder, and unforgiveness that has caused you to despise the hypocrisy of the people of the Church, will eventually be your own downfall. God warns that by the same measure you judge others, by that same judgment you will also be judged. Beware how you judge another, for you are likely to fall into the same temptation. This world has pointed to the Church and accused her of heinous acts in the name of Jesus. If you were honest, you would glance back over time and see that many organized religions, governments, gangs or other groups, religious or otherwise, have committed horrible crimes against humanity. Communist Soviet Union and China as well as the Darwinian thought, (i.e.: natural selection and survival of the fittest) behind the perverted practices of Nazi Germany and abortion have killed far more humans and committed more heinous acts than the “Crusades.” You hold a double standard against those who are called by God's name, and you hold the deeds of a few who betrayed or failed, as examples of what the Christian faith produces. You neglect to notice or mention the far greater numbers who do good and not evil, and you conveniently fail to remember the dark deeds of those from within your own godless ranks. So you prejudice yourself, and those you can reach, with your anti-gospel. Truly your shame will be great, on that terrible day of the Lord, when EVERY knee shall bow and EVERY tongue shall confess that Jesus is Lord, but the wicked will be cast into the outer darkness where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth for eternity.
(Isa. 59:8) the way of peace they know not, and there is no justice in their paths; they have made their roads crooked, no one who goes in them knows peace. [RSV]
You, who say you are not hindered by the bonds of religious thinking, are ensnared by your own traps. You worship the God of this world, Molech, and you worship all sorts of idols, false gods, objects and mammon. And you force, by activist legislation, others to follow your path, hoping to silence the Christian voice forever. This generation is full of all the things foretold about them. They are idolaters, full of pride, envy, strife, lust and greed. You amass wealth to yourself, giving only the smallest percentage of your abundance to those less fortunate. In the workplace, you have no regard for your fellow man, but you will disregard everything that is moral and true, to gain wealth and power for yourself. This generation is self-centered and full of selfish ambition. You oppress the poor and weak, in your worldly power, but your rewards on this earth will be left here to others when you die. Therefore, it would be prudent to give your wealth to God and his children in need. That is the only way you will ever take any of your wealth with you.
For those who give great amounts of money to humanitarian causes, take no comfort in your “goodness” as a person. You cannot buy salvation. The price is too great and you cannot pay it. You are of the seed of Adam and you are born into the sin nature of mankind. Your only hope of salvation is to be born again, under the acknowledgment that the blood of Jesus alone can cover and save you. You are arrogant and wise in your own eyes, and the cross is foolishness to you. How sad you will be when you discover all your good deeds to humanity were in vain and your soul is forever condemned, all because you were too proud to believe you needed a savior!
You are angered by these words of warning, not realizing that these harsh words are meant to work like a violent shove, desperate to get you out from the path of an oncoming train. You despise the Christian, who earnestly longs to save your eternal life and soul from the fate that awaits those who don't believe. You can't see the train. It is hidden from your sight, but those of us who know it is coming long to push you to safety. Do not despise us, but let your eyes be opened so you can see your danger.
(Luke12:4-5) I tell you, my friends, do not fear those who kill the body, and after that have no more that they can do. But I will warn you whom to fear; fear him who, after he has killed, has power to cast into hell; yes I tell you, fear him! [RSV]
(Ezek. 3:18) If I say to the wicked, 'You shall surely die,' and you give him no warning, nor speak to warn the wicked from his wicked way, in order to save his life, that wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood I will require at your hand. [RSV]
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