Interesting there should be here
A blue and green and spinning sphere
Warmed by day, cooled at night
Spinning 'round a golden light
But more than just a passing phase
Is life observing passing days
I have my pen and opened eyes
With both record the gold sunrise
I'm people-stick, I'm ice cream cone
I'm learning that I'm not alone
Though I have cried alone within
I found a ride on home within
When Jesus came into my heart
He became a divine spark
And with connection now so real
I ride the earth and really feel
So at one with what I am
So at one-I understand
Before Him, I was not awake
Now those who sleep I want to shake
But just a little while ago
My eyes now open, once were closed
And if someone had come to me
And hit me with reality
I would have laughed and turned away
I had to wake when I would say
And it is hell to stay asleep
It's fear and lowly thoughts that creep
It's being lonely in the night
It's fear of death and thoughts of spite
It's living in a world half-dark
It's seeing God as not a part
Of everything that comes about
It's thinking God's not in, but out
Existing somewhere else, if there,
And life is chaos, filled with fear
Seeing jumbled dreams appear
Thinking thoughts that no one cares
Finding what you think is true
An endless pit-a whirlpool
Of thinking bad and being fooled
Into thinking it's a shame
When what you're thinking is insane
For your beliefs are what appears
Stop! Observe just what is here
A loving world, a spinning sphere
Warmed by day, cooled at night
Spinning 'round a golden light