Free Will
Imagine people walking down the street dragging balls and chains, truly struggling with the weight on their legs. Each of the balls are blue and brownish green and strongly resemble the earth.
On this earth, in these carnal bodies, there is the appearance of free will but, in reality, the will is far from free. Before one can have a free will, one has to recognize what he or she is. Many Christians give lip service to our Lord and Savior's calling but do not feel confident in Him to submit everything to Him and let Him reign in all aspects of their lives. They say they are 'in Christ' but more often than not, they are 'in trouble.' If they did give Him all, if they did truly relinquish their will and say, meaning every word of it, “Not my will, Father, but Thine be done,” they would begin to experience free will.
Imagine you are seeing the chains connecting the legs to the earthlike balls, snapping and breaking just as everyone was pulling on them. What would happen? Watch the people falling, almost in slow motion, as they lose their balance. See some people falling forward and some falling backward.
When we first experience our free will (which is only free in Christ), the old 'imprisoned will' of the carnal world, will be released and we'll feel a tremendous loss of our equilibrium, we'll feel out of balance, awkward in our trust, like a little baby learning to walk. It is at this point we must allow Jesus to give us His strength, His power, His wisdom so that we can learn that our new will in Him is better than the old will that was in the world. Oh, how He wants to guide and direct our way! He knows, however, that because of our God-endowed gift of free will, we must ask Him to guide us or He will not be able to do this.
What would it be like, if every time we felt weighed down by concerns, we knew that our burdens could be willingly taken by the Lord and we were free to be joyous and unconcerned? What would it be like, if every time the world's endless problems and tragic situations began to embed themselves into our precious mind, a quick and sincere prayer to the Lord to bless the people and events worked, releasing us from what used to be a mighty grip that seemed to hold us, face down, in the murky waters of this world?
Oh, to be free! Imagine, if you will, that balloons of all colors began to make their way up into the sky and confetti came from the windows of the buildings as the people, all in a joyous parade down Main Street, now free of their worldly concerns and chains, walked lightly, expectantly and lovingly in the Lord.
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