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Chapter 8

Sight by Faith

"If science cannot answer some ultimate question, what makes anyone think that religion can?" Richard Dawkins, page 56, The God Delusion.
Heavenly Father, I ask that from now until the end of this book, you give me wisdom and a humble heart as I deal with Professor Dawkins ideas. I pray that you help him deal with me, too, should he ever read this. I love being a Christian, God, and I'm so glad I have You as my God. Thank you for your help, Father. Professor Dawkins knows that faith is groundless and that tangible-ism is the ultimate reality. But there is the possibility that he has never even ventured into the realm of faith and tried it from the inside. How can he, who is so scientifically oriented, miss the opportunity to explore, using the scientific method, what our faith means to us? I know that God is the ultimate scientist. I know that He already knows the answers the scientists seek to find. I, of course, think it is folly to hold science above religion, just as Professor Dawkins, and atheists in general, think it is folly to hold religion above science. If the physical is all we are going to see and believe, this attitude would be inevitable.

The scientist must use his scientific method to determine something's validity. It MUST be applied to the questions of faith. What is there to fear, if all that faith in Jesus Christ is presumed to accomplish, doesn't accomplish it? Why won't the atheist, agnostic and secular humanist come out of their heavily walled and defended towers from which they proclaim their "truth," and give faith the opportunity to prove itself? Once again, in order to move away from prejudice, those whose faith proclaims that there is no God, should willingly submit to Jesus Christ for a time, journaling every step of the way.

Perhaps the atheists might ask, "Why don't you try my faith in no God?" Well, I have. So have many thousands of other people. Many have stepped out of this despair and found grace and comfort in the Lord. Many of us used to give God little or no consideration at all, but have now become full-fledged workers for God's kingdom. Many, who have denied Him and snubbed Him and His workers, have found the forgiveness of Jesus Christ and have allowed their minds to be transformed and renewed by Him. Is this possibly what the atheists fear? That somehow God will snatch up their minds and they may be "forced" to enter into religious thinking? Then, horror of horrors, they would somehow find themselves setting up their tents in the same camp that believes the world was created between 6000 and 10,000 years ago. This would be the Twilight Zone for them and, perhaps, the end of all reason. They would surely lose their minds, if this happened, they may think.

The truth is, though, that intense examination of this "physical" universe is not going to reveal anything more than empty space between the components that make up the smallest particle known, the atom. Appearances are that, with the introduction of quantum mechanics, the atheists are making up some seriously unbelievable theories themselves. In setting up their tent of reason in the camp of those who believe in miracles and God and His Son, Jesus Christ, they are merely going to explore what can be revealed to them by faith. They are going to use another pair of eyes that they didn't know they had, and encounter another form of knowledge (known as wisdom) of which they weren't aware. They are merely making a choice to let go of their never-ending pursuit of physical knowledge, in order to obtain a glimpse of their own immortality, which is found in spiritual wisdom, revealed by faith in God. At the very least, they ought to be saying to themselves, "I wonder how that works for all those Christians who believe? Have they explored their inner doorway leading to the deepest and most profound knowledge of their God to the fullest extent possible? How far does this 'faith' thing go?"

Professor Dawkins claims that Jesus is his favorite teacher. Someone gave him a shirt with the slogan, "Atheists for Jesus." Jesus revealed, "Your faith has made you whole," when miracles of instant healing occurred during His ministry. He didn't say, "By the power given to me exclusively by God, I granted you this healing." He said, in effect, by your choice to have faith or believe, God's supernatural powers have been able to prove their reality in your previously hopeless physical situation. It was they who had faith that made them whole. Jesus was just the intermediary between them and God. And, by the way, that describes Jesus' work on earth for us, to a tee. He stands between God and us, able to bring God to our hearts, able to lift us above the mountains of inbred and committed sins, so that God can see us and relate to us.

Jesus also said, after people were healed by their faith, "Go and sin no more." This indicates that when God's laws are broken, the result can often be sickness or downfall. Sincere and penitent crying out to the Lord, during our times of greatest emotional and physical needs, will result in a filling up of our hearts with God's Spirit, that simply cannot be described to someone who has never experienced this. God forgives our sins when we call upon Him, and the result is healing in our spirits, and often, healing in our bodies, as well. What many of us Christians do not take time to explore, though, is that God will reveal Himself to those who are well also. He will reveal His love, peace and joy available in unlimited quantities, through the receptive, penitent, humbled, and grateful heart, by regular prayer time. Wouldn't that be worthwhile for the atheists to find out more about?

Jesus was and is God's Son and through Him, we become God's adopted sons. But Jesus also said, "It is not I, but the Father within who does the work." As we take on the work of accepting Jesus Christ as our Savior and Lord, a miraculous personal and instantaneous evolutionary process takes place, if you want to think in those terms, in which we adopt Jesus, just as He adopted us. In our increasing reliance on Him, dwelling in our hearts, we come to see the truth that it is not we who do the work, but our Father within who does it. The only "work" on this earth that amounts to anything, is the work that is revealed by faith in Jesus Christ. This is the work that God wants us to do.

This world is often an amusement park, but mostly it is not very amusing. When writing about this park, what sort of person walks up to the highest and fastest roller coaster, with notepad in hand, not actually riding, but instead, writing down figures and symbols, measuring the perimeters of the ride, in order to write a book about how the roller coaster isn't what people say it is? Such is the impression I get from the atheists.

We would invite them to hop on, and find out how thrilling it is to know Jesus and submit to the plans God has for them. They must bring their notepads and take notes, as they explore the concept of faith. But they should be honest, always. Should Jesus make Himself known to them, should their hearts be cleansed, should the burden of always being responsible for themselves be lifted, and they find themselves laughing with joy, and weeping with compassionate love for others, they should take time to write about it so that others may see the wondrous legitimacy of God. I sincerely believe God is going to use Professor Dawkins and the other three New Atheists to bring in others with similar attitudes. These include agnostics and even secular humanists. God is already working out the plan He has for Dawkins and for all the others who are lost in their self-sufficiency!

God shares, through the prophet Isaiah, that God's ways are higher than our ways, His thoughts are higher than ours. This does not confound me, so much as it makes my heart glad. Why would I want a God whom I could understand so easily? I am thrilled that someone greater and wiser than any of us, is running the eternal realm. Atheists should not let God's magnificence stun them so much that they stumble. Our Creator IS far beyond what studying only the physical universe can reveal. Trying to get answers for questions like, "Who created God?" and "What was before God?" and "Did God evolve?" is attempting to put the cart before the horse. First, they must humbly know and love God. Then, God reveals what He will reveal. Right now, those questions do nothing but cause a large hindrance to the faith that is necessary to know Him. A scientist claims to be honest in his exploration of the physical, not projecting doubt that his explorations will reveal the truth to him. Sight by faith requires the same honesty. Atheists must drop their doubt, in order to perceive the magnificence of God, and His Son, Jesus Christ.

Although relating supernatural incidents will not convince the dubious of anything, in the next two chapters, I will share four incidents in my life that took me beyond the norm of human understanding. Even now, when I fall into the trap this world consistently sets, that tries to discourage me or shake my faith in God, I can stop and realize that what my memory reveals, actually happened. It is then I nod my head and smile. Yes, God is real! He has shown me, personally, some of His works. That is my testimony!

Dear God, I praise your holy name. I want you to bless Professor Dawkins at his work, should that be where he is right now—or, should he be resting for the night, touch his mind with knowledge of You, O God. Give him sweet dreams. I thank you, Lord, for loving Professor Dawkins and showing him the Way. I am so happy to do my part. Show Professor Dawkins your miracles, God. Remove the blinders he wears and help prepare his mind for the truth of God's nature revealed in my personal extraordinary communications, which I share in the next few chapters.


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