In amusement centers around the country, children raise rubber mallets to plastic moles popping out of holes. As each one pops up, the child slams the mallet on its little plastic head. The winner is the child who whacks the most moles within a set time frame.
Satan offers me a game of Wacamole. I stand, mallet poised, ready to correct a problem (bop) but then he sends another one to the surface so I correct it (whack) and then yet another problem rises. It never ends and if Satan were to have his way, it never would end.
This never-ending game of Wacamole can end but only one way: Jesus Christ. As I recognize there is no problem His power cannot solve, then I turn determinedly to Him and give to Him my judgments, and just say, “No!” to Satan's constant prodding that I just solve this next problem his way…and the next…and the next. I will discover, as I give my life and heart and mind to Jesus, that the many problems that Satan would march in single file in front of me, are really only one problem that Jesus has already solved for us. The fact that each one looks like a fresh, new problem is a deception that scatters my energies and keeps me focused on refraction and reflections, not the truth. Satan's deceptions are unequalled, but they cannot compete with Jesus.
The Holy Spirit has given me the one solution to all the problems: Jesus and His forgiveness. In order for me to end this tiring and depressing game of Wacamole in which an endless variety of "moles" continually pop up, one after another in my world, I must learn to see these "moles" differently by asking Jesus to become my eyes. The Holy Spirit will show me that each "problem" that pops up in my life can show me an area of forgiveness I need to turn over to Jesus. He would not have me carry my burdens alone.
One day, when I realize that all problems were really only one problem and that it has already been solved by our Lord and Savior, I'll raise my mallet for the final time and realize there is nothing there to strike. Then I'll release the mallet from my fearful grip and gladly turn and focus on Jesus' light, and be drawn yet closer to Him.
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